Producer Speaks on Shocking 24 Death

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Monumental 24 spolier warning: read no further if you haven't watched this week's episode yet.

For those that did sit through the 8 a.m. hour... wow! You'd think we'd know by now that any character except Jack is expendable, but we still didn't see Renee's death coming. When was the last time 24 ended consecutive episodes with the silent clock?

Michael Ausiello of Entertainment Weekly was equally shocked, and phoned 24 produced Howard Gordon as a result. An excerpt of their conversation follows:

When was the decision made to kill off Renee? At the very beginning of the season. I even told Annie and Kiefer that that’s where the story was going.

Were there doubts about the decision? We always have some doubt when we do certain things. We had a couple of thoughts and concerns, but the way the story fell it had to happen... My wife was literally in tears watching it. And when I can make my wife cry [watching 24], I know I made the right decision.

RIP, Renee

On the real-time lovemaking: Jack and Renee were not by any means done. I think this was probably closer to Round 1. I mean, he was just getting a glass of water. So yes, we were very sensitive about it because it’s a very sensitive thing. We really wanted to do it as tastefully and virile-y as possible for a man like Jack Bauer.

Where does Jack go from here? He’s lost something he can’t get back. He has a way he wants it addressed, and if he doesn’t get satisfaction and justice, you know, he’s gotta find another way. But it really does set things in motion that are pretty profound for the character and it’s a place I don’t think he’s ever gone before. It’s as dark and complex and as combustible as any place Jack’s ever been.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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