The Bachelorette Review: One Great Rated-R Performance

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The third episode of The Bachelorette's sixth season, which took up two ours of our lives Monday, reinforced the dual tenets of the long-running reality series in our mind:

  1. You cannot take The Bachelorette seriously, even a little bit
  2. You can still enjoy The Bachelorette a lot despite point #1

Seriously, if you view this as a real quest for love, rather than contrived nonsense, you're really kidding yourself. If love happens, great. But it's just not what it's all about.

That said, it can still be a very entertaining show if you view it through a prism of skepticism and believe nothing. And DVR it and skip the commercials. Two hours? Yeesh.

Our celebrity gossip site's far more exhaustive and entertaining The Bachelorette recap shares this view, simultaneously pointing out the absurdity and pure entertainment.

Some highlights of last night:

Ali in the Tub

Ali Fedotowsky in the bathtub: Never bad for ratings.

Barenaked Ladies. As in the band, and our star. Ali Fedotowsky and the guys filmed scenes for a music video for the group. It featured lots of skin on her part, jealous on theirs.

Dropping the ball. Some guys try hard, others too hard, and others not hard enough. Or so it seems. The three guys sent home Monday evening were so vanilla, it's ridiculous.

Major hunks. Fake as so many elements of the show are, some guys seem genuine, as does their chemistry with Ali. Chris Lambton and Roberto Martinez are two of those guys.

Rated R for ridiculous. Say what you will about Justin Rego (Rated R, the pro wrestler), he does what it takes to survive - and entertain. His motives are questionable, but hey.

Unintentional comedy. Trying to watch Ali appear surprised, or believe that Rated R really hoofed it on crutches made us laugh. We kept looking for the cab in the background.

Follow the jump to see who survived until next week's The Bachelorette ...

In the end, these dudes all received roses from Ali:
  1. Kirk
  2. Roberto
  3. Chris L.
  4. Jesse
  5. Chris N.
  6. Ty
  7. Kasey
  8. Craig
  9. Frank
  10. Jonathan
  11. Justin

These fellas did not and packed their bags...

  1. Hunter
  2. John
  3. Steve

What did you think of The Bachelorette last night? Is Justin there for the right reasons (no)? Was it entertaining no matter what (yes)? Leave us a comment and sound off.

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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