Big Brother Review: Life in the Fast Lane

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"All the boys, sans the house gay, are working together." - Ragan

Ragan is a fighter, and he's more in tune with what's going on around him than anyone else on Big Brother. Had Brendon made an alliance with him weeks ago, both might be in a different spot right now. But Brendon's gone and Ragan is the target of everyone not named Ragan.

Last night, Lane (smartly) didn't want to win Head of Household because he didn't want the responsibility of having to put up Britney or one of the Brigade alongside Ragan.

Lane Elenburg Photo

In the HoH competition, Ragan gave Enzo a golden opportunity to knock him out, but Enzo again performed woefully at "blackjack," leaving it to Lane to get it done. He did.

Lane was even going to throw it and give it to Enzo, and still, Meow Meow proves dead weight. We love him, but the tough guy Jersey talk gets more laughable by the week.

For the third time in as many weeks, Pandora's Box is offered to Lane, and he takes it in hopes of picking big bucks off the money tree. P-box punks him for a lousy $91.17.

The house, in turn, has to eat without utensils. Bummer.

Back to more important matters, Ragan knows he's going up on the block and is prepared to fight for the Power of Veto to save himself just like he did live last Thursday.

Ragan also knows that Lane, in addition to the Brigade, is in cahoots with Britney. But is Britney as important to Lane as vice versa? She doesn't know about the Brigade.

Her first hint came when Lane was reluctant to put up Hayden as the pawn. It was Brit or Enzo in his mind, and even though he doesn't want to put her up, he just might.

Lane wanted Enzo to win for this reason. Enzo would have put Britney and Ragan up like that, but now it's Lane who has to piss off someone. Appropriately, he picks Enzo.

It was a smart move, because it keeps Britney on his side, and Enzo not only sealed his fate with his own uselessness, he won't really turn on Lane, even if he's pissed.

Ragan is probably gone if he doesn't win PoV, because he would need both votes (Lane would break a tie and send him home), but you can't rule out another upset win.

He's as cagey as they come. Stay tuned ...

Random thoughts and observations:

  • Why do they spend a quarter of the show recapping previous weeks? We sort of get it because of the hurried live episode Thursday, but they always do this.
  • Already thinking ahead to the potential final two, Britney says she doesn't think Lane needs the money (!) and that she'd consider voting for Hayden to win.
  • There's no way Enzo would get a single vote.
  • Lane must be an awesome salesman.

Week 8 Nominations Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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