Hung Review: "A Man, A Plan"

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Hung has gotten to the point where it is starting to explore its minor characters. Last week it was Damon, and in last night's "A Man, A Plan" it was Mike Hunt.

Is this the first time we've heard Ray's assistant coach's last name?

I know it's the first time I've picked up on the fact that his name is Mike Hunt. It must be tough for this guy to pick up the phone without thinking it's a prank call.

Now I'm all for some development of these smaller roles, but I don't know if it is the way to go on a show like this. What are there ten 25 minute episodes?

That's not enough time to develop auxiliary characters and continue on with the progress of the likes of Ray, Tanya and Jessica. We're half way through the season and not enough has happened with our main cast.

In the Role of Ray

From last week, and the rest of the series, we learned that Assistant Coach Mike Hunt is a lonely man. He is 55 years old, single, and about to get fired from his teaching job.

Mike was last seen at a singles mixer in which he had no luck, so when Ray asked him to substitute for him on his appointment with Francis, he stepped right up to the plate.

Seriously Ray, what do you think this is a 90s sitcom? Oh I'll just have my friend fill in for me on my date. This won't be a problem at all. Well as it turns out, Ray didn't ever make it to the restaurant, where he would have undoubtedly made it awkward for everyone. 

Instead Mike's pinch hit appearance was a success. Strangely enough, Francis asked for a second date with Mike. Now does she want dinner again, or does she want the whole shabang?  Obviously Mike has no idea what is going on here.

Meanwhile, Damon take Darby to the poetry bar so that she can hear him perform his new poem, "Sack." It is both fantastic and disturbing. I, like Darby, was completely embarrassed for everyone involved. But Tanya was right that it shows how much this kid loves his twin sister. Does he love her a little too much? I think so, but who am I to judge?

To get over the fact that Darby didn't like the poem, Damon throws down three pot-filled scones like he's Homer Simpson with doughnuts. He inevitably flips out and causes Ray to cancel his appointment with Francis. Paging Mike Hunt. Paging Mike Hunt. You are needed at the dinner table.

Will next week focus more on our major players? Will we maybe get a full on Darby-centric episode? What is Francis expecting from Mike? Can we expect any type of change in the Lenore/Tanya/Ray relationship any time soon?

There's half of a season left. Let's see how it all turns out.

Some Hung quotes from last night ...

Tanya: The paper bag thing... it's for the birds. | permalink
Patty: This one time I was on a diet pill and I stayed up for 67 hours... I lost three pounds. | permalink
Damon: I was thinking maybe I should take out the part about the gum, but I'm not sure. | permalink
Tanya: I myself was involved in a program, Poets In Schools. It's kinda like blood... for the soul. | permalink
Ray: What do you always say?
Mike: I wanna f*%k Rhonda Barr? | permalink
Mike: One kid wrote 'I hate Mr. Hunt with a passion that burns like a thousand suns.
Ray: That's teaching. Some kids are gonna hate earth science no matter what you do. | permalink

A Man, A Plan Review

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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (5 Votes)

Dan Forcella is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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Hung Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Ray: What do you always say?
Mike: I wanna f*%k Rhonda Barr?

Mike: One kid wrote 'I hate Mr. Hunt with a passion that burns like a thousand suns.
Ray: That's teaching. Some kids are gonna hate earth science no matter what you do.