Big Brother Review: Outfoxed at Last

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With Ragan on the block with him, Hayden, along with Enzo, still wants Britney out of the house. Tough luck. Lane thinks Britney is ideal to take to the end, and he just might.

Back to the wall, Ragan tries to convince Britney to keep him and Lane to break a tie in his favor. His main argument? That the jury hates Ragan more than them! Compelling!

Did it work, though, or was this just Big Brother's editing to leave us in suspense? Ragan didn't make terrible points ... but you know guys (and Britney). They stick together.

Ragan Fox

Ultimately, Ragan Fox went home by the vote of 2-0.

The most interesting part of last night, hands down, was the first glimpse into the jury house. That place looks pretty cushy, but the mood soured when Matt revealed his lie.

It is pretty incredible, the extent to which he took it. Floating the lie vaguely to one person and letting it circulate would be one thing, but saying he relates to Kathy? WOW.

The fellow jury members are rightfully disgusted with Matt. What we can't even fathom is how Ragan will react, particularly after gushing to Julie about his friend last night.

Looking ahead to next week, Lane, who admits he's been playing half-dumb much of the time, says he believes the Brigade will not be angry about him protecting Britney.

He says out of the Brigade he would take Hayden to the finals over Enzo. Why does everyone think Enzo would be a huge threat in the finals? Because he's a funny dude?

Who knows, but the Brigade has won three of the final four spots, with Britney still the lone female in the house. With the season winding down, it's going to be interesting.

Who's the favorite to win the critical HoH? Did Britney and Enzo make the right choice in voting off Ragan? Who do you want to win Big Brother 12? Sound off below!

Week 8 Eviction Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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