It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Review: "Mac's Mom Burns Her House Down"

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I've never really been a huge fan of either Mac or Charlie's mothers.  They've both been used as one-note jokes throughout their various appearances on It's Always Sunny

Mrs. Mac and Mrs. Kelly

So you could imagine I was less than excited to find out "Mac's Mom Burns Her House Down" was going to make these ladies roommates a la The Golden Girls.

However, I was pleasantly surprised to find this episode actually pretty funny.  Luckily, these ladies just served as a launch pad for some pretty hilarious banter between Mac, Charlie, and occasionally Dennis in their scenes.

Meanwhile, Frank and Sweet Dee had the surprisingly weaker story as Frank attempted to drug his daughter (with Dennis' encouragement of course) in order to get her to bond.  There seemed to be some great potential, but really the only laugh this elicited was Sweet Dee falling down the stairs off screen.  "Mr. Magoo wouldn't make that mistake."

It definitely wasn't the weakest episode of the season, but far from our favorite.  Some of the jokes and Always Sunny quotes that worked are after the jump.

Jokes that worked for us:
  • While not original, the concept of the dog that never dies, Pippin, was still damn funny.
  • The entire Charles Grodin vs. Josh Groban opening was hilarious.
  • Mrs. Mac's various grunts and her son's translations.
  • Doing things in threes.  Yeah, it's bat shit crazy, but still funny.

Now for some of our favorite quotes by the gang:

Charlie: I feel like if you and I were in a room with a perfectly good cheesecake, all sorts of conversation would start happening. | permalink
Mac: Mom was a manager of Jiffy Lube for many years.
Charle: I never heard about this.
Mac: Well, she doesn't like to brag. She started her way at the bottom and worked her way to the tippidy top.
Charlie: There's only three people at Jiffy Lube so it's not exactly a high climb. | permalink
Mrs. Mac: They ain't American, I don't want to know them.
Mrs. Kelly: I know. I wish they'd all go back to the desert.
Mac: It does seem like they're bonding.
Charlie: It's not really a golden girls type conversation, it's a racist conversation | permalink
Mac: Mrs. Kelly, why are you doing everything in threes?
Mrs. Kelly: So Charlie doesn't die. | permalink

Mac's Mom Burns Her House Down Review

Editor Rating: 3.5 / 5.0
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User Rating:

Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (10 Votes)

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

Dennis: Mrs. Mac has a unique and earthy fragrance.
Mrs. Mac: I smell like shit.

Frank: Deandra will take care of me.
Dennis: Dee's not gonna take care of you. You just chased her out of here with a pool cue because she had a little cough.