Californication Review: "Home Sweet Home"

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Rise and shine and give God your glory.

Before he could get spiritual with Karen on "Home Sweet Home," Hank had to deal with the cynical doctor who took care of him. The miffed MD, tired of seeing celebrities over-serve themselves, lectured Hank about the myths of living fast and dying young and beautiful. I loved how he checked out Karen’s ass, too, when she entered the hospital room to visit Hank. A very small but realistic detail.

Then, there was Hank’s hospital roommate, Marv, and his saggy old posterior. I could have lived without that little bit of reality.

Charlie and Hank Photo

Hank must have felt like he got a second lease on life with how nice Karen was being to him. Of course, we learned it was largely in part because she thought he was so miserable that it forced him to try and kill himself.

Hank just went along with it and ended up getting some sugar from her, despite her initial reluctance. Karen can’t help but love her man and a scare like the one Moody gave her is all the excuse she needed to let him back into her bed.

Charlie and Hank walked on the strand enjoying some burgers. Charlie remarked what a cheap date Hank was and Moody responded by saying, “When you come perilously close to shucking off this mortal coil, you realize what’s important.” This phrase drew from that of Hamlet’s 'To be or not to be' speech in Shakespeare's Hamlet, 1602:
What dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause.

I loved this reference. It served well to remind us that while he can be a despicable person in terms of morality, Hank is a very talented and intelligent writer. The character of Hamlet also conjures up images of internal struggles and inner character strife, which was very appropriate for Hank.

Becca showed us some talent of her own when Hank paid her a visit. While Hank’s weapon of expression is a typewriter, Becca showed how she slays her emotional dragons with her music. Her guitar is her Excalibur. At first, I thought the song she was playing on the strand was “Wild Horses” by the Rolling Stones, but then I thought I heard hints of “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera. I could be wrong on both accounts. Hopefully someone reading this can lend some clarity. Either way, I loved it.

I also loved Hank’s “Oh Dear” response when Becca told him she was saving up for a place of her own in the Valley. It wasn’t so much that she was looking to move out, but more because she wanted to move to the Valley that concerned him.

Something tells me though we don’t have to worry too much about our Becca becoming a typical “valley girl,” especially if she ends up hanging with Pearl (Zoë Kravitz) and the Queens of Dogtown. I was pumped to see Stephanie Hunt as one of the members who tormented Becca. Hunt, who played Crucifictorious guitarist Devin on Friday Night Lights, is a talent.

The way Pearl approached Becca on the strand like that at night reminded me of the way Kiefer Sutherland interacted with Jason Patric in Lost Boys. It also conjured up memories of The Craft.  What a crusher to see Becca’s guitar and amp got stolen.

The storyline featuring Stu Beggs and Marci is going to be interesting. His bravado with Marci was great, as was the cell phone conversation she was having with Karen about masturbation as he pulled up. No need to feel too bad for Charlie, as Heather found time between emails to help him take another step toward his quest for 100 women.

The Soundtrack of Our Lives’ song “Second Life Replay” played as Hank left Karen and Becca to check into a hotel. It really summed up nicely what Hank faced this week. He is always striving for a second chance to make his family love him so he can feel alive and they can reload all their dreams and hopes.

Home Sweet Home Review

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Californication Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

I was just putting my thoughts in order when I was rudely interrupted by the ill affects of self-medicating.


Honey, I didn't mean to force moisture from your face.
