How I Met Your Mother Review: "Desperation Day"

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On "Desperation Day," Robin sizzled as she schooled Ted on the differences between male and female booty calls.

A constant presence throughout the episode, she played off Barney to perfection once again, and when her devotion to the color purple left her alone of Valentine’s Day, she didn’t seem to be the lest bit blue.

The Saint Desperatius flashback was a treat and featured a couple of great lines, such as “perfect X” and “high V.” Barney’s dialogue flowed like the Tiber as he worked in classics like his “whaddup” after words like “climax.”

Lily's Dinner Date

Barney’s impression of the Predator will go down as one of my favorite Stinson moments. From the use of the thermal vision to hunt his helpless prey at the bar, to him running around making the clicking sound and annoying Robin, I could not get enough.

Nora’s duel with Barney was reminiscent of the battle between Major Dutch Schaeffer and the real alien hunter. Barney’s usual come-on lines didn’t work, as Nora proved she was no ordinary target. Even turning an egg into a dove failed to impress her. What really made the magic happen, though, was when Barney let down his guard and showed her his inner child, or in this case, his laser tag obsession.

I liked the chemistry between these two and hope for more to come.

Elsewhere, we were treated to some special moments from a home-bound Marshall; from the old Gameboy references to lines like the one about hot pocket o’clock. Loved how both he and Ted shot down his mom when she offered orange juice instead of more Sunny Delight. I mean, what was she going to expect them to drink next, purple stuff?

As Marshall dropped his controller to the floor, the fun and games were over, though, as he confessed to Ted about missing his dad.  The words about how he couldn’t see where he was going without his father leading the way really hit home. What an amazing description of how the simplest tasks done by a parent can seem superhuman to us as children.

While I was fighting back the emotion, I did have a laugh at the scene where Marshall’s dad appeared in the back seat of the car, just like Harry from Dexter. All in all though, a great series of scenes from Marshall once again.

Ted’s escape to Minnesota seemed to answer those who felt the news about Zoë's divorce and feelings for love with Ted took place a tad too quickly. Marshall, having just had his “aha” moment, didn’t see it that way and instead warned Ted about running from reality. He then turned the halftime speech on himself and did well to realize he, too, needed to grow up and get back to New York and his Lily.

As he called out to his mom, I half expected him to yell “Ma, the meatloaf!” It was a great moment in their friendship, as Marshall realized it was time for Ted and him to be men and leave the crusts on.

We saw Lily sitting on the couch Marshall-less, watching The Predator. Then, her man suddenly appeared, as if someone had told him to “get to the chopper” and back to your Lily Pad ASAP. The scene earlier in the show, which featured their first Valentine's Day together, was classic.  Everything from the bottom bunk snuggle session in the dorm room to the jug wine mixed with orange soda was well scripted and I loved seeing my favorite TV couple back together... even if it meant heart ache for Marsh-pillow.

Until next episode, check out our section of How I Met Your Mother quotes, and remember to avoid cutting the crusts off of life and enjoy all the reality it has to offer.

P.S. I would have felt remiss if I did not call attention to CBS and its heart felt Valentine’s Day message to all us guys out there to get our testicles checked out. I echo their sentiment because, like the TV spot said, “Why give a diamond when you can give the family jewels?”

Desperation Day Review

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How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 16 Quotes

February 13th, a magical night, where a Ten has the self esteem of a four and the depraved enthusiasm of a Two.


Whoa check out that one! Her body is a perfect X.
