Skins Review: Just Awful...

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Wow. That was awful.

The Skins episodeCadie” lacked in character exploration and focused more on long shots of Cadie’s glassy-eyed and stone-faced expressions. The look into her life wasn’t very interesting or exciting, and I spent more time wondering when the episode would be over. I would have much rather had a second week focused on Chris.

Cadie on Skins

Sure, there were some basic insights, but nothing really groundbreaking.

Cadie's parents, like the others seen on the show, were oblivious and self-concerned. Cadie’s father is interested in taxidermy and hunting, while her mother is obsessed with pageants and her appearance. How did these two people even get together? Is there even a commonality between them?

Cadie takes a lot of pills because she’s depressed or exhibiting a lot of problems, at least based on her parents’ opinions. The reason for her therapy sessions and constant drug subscriptions are never revealed. Is it the drugs that cause her to act so emotionless?

Even the rest of the characters came across as wooden in their performance. Tony trying to convince Tea that he “matched her” sounded awkward and stilted. Plus, is it necessary that every character engaged in conversation repeatedly say the person’s name?

I’m also getting the continued vibe that this is still a British show with American accents. The writing and dialogue doesn’t sound natural. Maybe it’s taking a little bit more time to find its American footing, but on that level, it’s not doing a good job.

This was a bland, weird, and tiresome episode. If the controversy doesn’t end the show, the acting and writing just might.

I’d like to be into this series, but it’s making me feel that if I want to watch a bad trashy show, I should just watch Jersey Shore. At least there, I can be entertained.

Cadie Review

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Rating: 3.7 / 5.0 (24 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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Skins Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Dr. Rich: Have you ever tried not taking drugs?
Cadie: Get out of here
Dr. Rich: Everyone's going to disappoint you. They don't mean to bit they will. Drugs won't change things.

Cadie: Are you riding home?
Girl: No, I'm flying home.