How I Met Your Mother Review: "The Perfect Cocktail"

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Like a shot of tequila, "The Perfect Cocktail" at first was hard to swallow but with each subsequent scene I found myself eating the worm. Some might think I had some absinthe myself for liking this episode but there was no need for the naughty water whatsoever. 

Negatives of the episode had to be the scenes which featured Ted and Zoey. Ted did his best to salvage his screen time, what with him thinking he was all B Rabbit when he drank bourbon as well as his line about contracting STD's from the ghosts of prostitutes.  

The episode belonged to the rest of the cast though, particularly Robin and Lily.

Ted and Zoey Picture

Barney and Marshall were no slouches don't get me wrong. I died when Marshall stared down his own reflection in the bar. You're not the only one Marshall, no sir. I also loved how adamant he was about it being clear that he had showed up to work with wet hair once and only once!

Barney's scene as Richard Dawson from The Family Feud while on peppermint schnapps may go down as one of my favorites of all time. I rewound the "show me chicken wings" line five times. If you have no idea who they were talking about, get yourself to YouTube ASAP and you will see how genius that scene was. 

As good as that reference was, there would have been no cocktails or dreams without the show's two leading ladies and boy did they serve it straight up with a twist.

From the defense of their booth, to the martini flirtation they had me feeling both shaken and stirred. Robin and Lily and their unparalleled knowledge of their respective men got better and better with each drink they proposed. 

No we did not get any closer to finding out who the mother was and the first few scenes at GNB were duds, but I laughed a lot and was simply happy to have a new episode to watch and enjoy. Not every episode needs to be a five, sometimes just the fact that it's something new is enough.

It's a scary world out there. Today we cut it's list of bad guys by one, but with so much uncertainty in life, I'm always happy to have such skilled actors and writers provide an escape from life's realities if only for a half hour.

Don't hate... appreciate all that we have and bless our troops. 

The Perfect Cocktail Review

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How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 22 Quotes

Excuse me waitress? I'll have a mojito and you'll have a no seat ho!


The stink eye walk by? oh hell no! I hope this drink isn't teething because it's about the get nursed.
