Rizzoli & Isles Review: A Love of Italian

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It was Fleet Week in Boston on Rizzoli & Isles, as "Sailor Man" featured cute men in uniform. Sadly, they were completely overshadowed by rape, murder... and face licking?

Maura's taste in men left something to be desired, as well. Giovanni was tall and had broad shoulders, but little else. He and Maura had nothing in common besides the fact that he was Italian and, as we know, Maura likes Italians.

The Ladies of Rizzoli & Isles

Only looking for sex, Maura thought Giovanni was right for the job. That was, until he wanted to get her naked so he could lick her face. As she tried to explain to Jane, that was a mood killer.

Maura: I just wanted to sleep with him. If only he didn't talk.
Jane: Or have a face licking fetish. | permalink
When Maura walked in holding the giant pink panda that Giovanni had sent her, the huge Italian horn around its neck sent me into a fit of laughter. Now that was the perfect touch. And if Giovanni had said "you look hot" one more time, I think we could have officially made it a drinking game.

But the best part took place at the end, when Jane wrapped her arms around Maura's waist and tried to explain to Giovanni that, as he interpreted it, they were batting for the other team. Maura did say she loves Italians. And, hey, Rizzoli sounds Italian to me.

It took Giovanni longer than I expected to catch on, and even longer to offer the expected three way. Who didn't see that coming?

Rizzoli & Isles has always had this underlying subtext between their two leads. I love that the show not only doesn't shy away from it, they have fun embracing it.

On other fronts, we had the disturbing rape and murders of young women during Fleet Week. A sailor was the obvious choice for a killer, but I was glad they gave us a bit of a twist to it. 

Although, did you see that suitcase into which he supposedly stuffed the second victim's body? It looked like something you could store in the overhead compartment. Could her body actually fit in there?

Elsewhere... Frost has daddy issues. The Admiral's interaction with Barry was far from warm and fuzzy. Because dad was hopping back on board ship with the fleet, it looked like any chance at a reconciliation was sailing far, far away.

That's alright. With Korsak offering parental advice and Frankie around to fight over toys with, Frost has plenty of family right in Boston.

Fleet Week may be over, but Rizzoli & Isles kept me glued to my seat with a gripping case, funky fetishes and a fun and an entertaining cast. Who could ask for more?

Sailor Man Review

Editor Rating: 4.4 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (36 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Rizzoli & Isles Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

I'm not saying that we make her live in a refrigerator box. I'm just saying that she needs to be busy.


I mean what could be more fun than taking out your broke, homeless mother who's been dumped by your father.
