Necessary Roughness Review: "Dream On"

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Some dreams were shattered on tonight's Necessary Roughness. The episode gave us everything from romantic fantasies to night terrors - and the two were not mutually exclusive.

Dani and her soon-to-be ex-husband, Ray, ran the gamut from the nightmare of him suing her for spousal support to his vision of the two of them having a second chance.

TK and Dani

Thankfully, despite the kiss, Dani quickly put an end to that possibility. When Ray said he was the same guy she fell in love with, I wanted her to shoot back that he was also the same guy who cheated on her with multiple women. Lucky for Ray, Dani was nicer than I would have been. She let him down easy.

So Matt and Laura got back together. Eh. Honestly, I didn't care. I like both characters, but their storyline didn't really catch my interest, probably because we know so little about Matt and even less about Laura. It's hard to feel invested in their relationship.

Finally, we got a TK story that gave him a little more depth. Still, I wished the plot would have been either about a stalker or about the paternity of a child. The combination robbed both ends of any real dramatic punch.

However, I did appreciate TK's reaction when he found out the boy wasn't his. I hoped he would have had a relationship with the kid anyway, but that wouldn't have been true to his character. At the very least I was satisfied that Dani noticed his heartbreak.

The skateboarder's storyline was okay. I tend to find the patient of the week plots the least interesting and the best part of this one was the cool skateboarding stunts. The bipolar diagnosis felt contrived, but that's the downside of having to make a diagnosis in 43 minutes or less.

The biggest disappointment was that we saw so little of Nico and he barely interacted with Dani. Every week I look forward to their scenes, finding out just a little more about this mysterious character. Not on "Dream On," though.

On the up side, we were saved from any further teenage angst. I was grateful for the break. Overall, "Dream On" was a good episode of Necessary Roughness. They can't all be great.

Dream On Review

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Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 (27 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Necessary Roughness Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Ten years and I still have to dance like a trained monkey for my banana.


Stop drinking and dreaming.
