Californication Review: Welcome to Hollywood, What's Your Dream?

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Plenty of people tried to get Hank to put off his trip back East, but it wasn't until Becca needed him that he finally abided.

On the latest installment of the M-Files, "Boys & Girls," our resident rolling stone Hank Moody was determined to leave La La Land for the friendly concrete jungles of New York. Kali called Los Angeles the city where dreams come true, but as Hank was reminded of when Becca and Tyler split, it is more often the home of heart break.

When Hank showed up to say goodbye to his offspring, she was preoccupied with running an errand for her battered boyfriend. Like Hank, it's hard for me to accept that Becca is a grown woman. Seeing her grab the car keys just somehow didn't seem right, but when Hank walked into her room to console her she showed that no matter how old she gets, she can always use some fatherly TLC. 

Becca, Hank

Just prior to going upstairs, Karen reminded Hank that "these things hurt." No doubt a nod to all the heartache he has caused her over the years. It's no secret that Hank and she have a very special yet sordid past, but this week for the first time I found myself being not okay with the way Hank still flirts with Karen. The verbal coquetry is one thing, but to constantly have his hands on her just is no longer cool with this critic. Especially after seeing how fired up Bates was when he forced himself to take a walk around the block to keep himself from assaulting Tyler.

Bates is not just into Karen, he has showed numerous times this season that he sincerely cares for Becca as well. Hank should show the man some respect and accept the fact that Karen is a happily married woman.

Perhaps, like Charlie, Hank is seeking companionship. While Charlie went digital and filled his void with online porn, Hank clicked the mouse of Bobby Digital's girl, Kali. While there was little doubt the two would hook up at some point, we were left waiting to see what Calvin's reaction will be when he inevitably finds out about their affair. I bet Hank will be mindful of Sam's disdain for his urban quips when the rapper's katana is pressed to his neck.

Come to think of it, Hank hasn't seemed too preoccupied with settling down, but what will become of Charlie and the nanny? The kiss to finger blast move was horrid, but the fact that she didn't slap the taste out of his mouth and run screaming out the door was promising right? 

Charlie - having realized he was too preoccupied with modern hardcore porn - decided to wean himself off things like ATM and get reacquainted with the more simple pleasures of the masturbatory arts, such as "back in the day when the bushes were big and the boobies was real." While I have always loved the guest stars on this show, Rza and Megan Good being no exception, perhaps too much focus is being paid to their story lines? Is there a way to get back to the aspects of season one that made this show so good? 

I haven't been completely displeased with the new season, but maybe the writers should take a page out of Runkle's book.

The problem lies with Hank, sadly. Hank hasn't evolved at all but the people around him have. Well, except for maybe Charlie. He has sort of devolved. But despite himself, Hank has become a success and a public figure. Things were all well and good when he was just the face on the back of God Hates Us All and spending the movie studio's checks, all while cursing himself for selling out. He has had a taste of the West Coast cash, though, and it keeps bringing him back. With each day he spends away from his beloved New York comes more and more trouble.

Let hank get back to The Big Apple, let us see him in his element and get a little taste of what he has been up to these last few years.  

Boys & Girls Review

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Californication Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Hank: Charlie is that a dildo in your pocket or you just happy to see me?
Charlie: I think I must have been reliving that pee thing, now it's just a shame boner.

Sometimes it's better not to touch your dreams.
