Mike & Molly Review: Food And Love

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Melissa McCarthy didn’t take home the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress at the Academy Awards this year, but at least we were able to get over that loss quickly thanks to the laughs served up by Mike & Molly this week.

In "Mike Likes Lasagna," Mike and Molly attempt to write their wedding vows. As an English lit major, Molly thinks it will be a breeze, but it turns out to be much harder than she thought. She quickly discovers it’s not easy putting how you feel for someone into words. Unlike Molly, Mike is worried from the start; he’s not good at expressing his feelings. His breakthrough comes when Carl suggests that Mike write as if he were professing his love to his favorite food: lasagna.  

Mike and Molly in Bed

Mike & Molly approaches the topic of the titular characters’ weight lightheartedly and head on, but this plotline had the potential to be a little over the top. Does Mike’s access to his feelings really have to be through food? On the one hand, it makes sense because food is so central to Mike and Molly’s relationship, and throughout human history there’s always been an intimate connection between love and food. But, on the other hand, isn’t comparing Molly (or anyone you love) to a slab of baked pasta (cheesy delicious baked pasta true, but pasta nonetheless) a little offensive?

The deep connection between emotion and food is on display when Harry, high off his dieting success, asks Victoria out. Surprisingly, she accepts. But things don’t go so smoothly. After Victoria cancels on him, Harry dives back into eating. Harry’s story serves as springboard for what I thought were some very touching parallels to Mike and Molly’s relationship. They've been where Harry is, found each other, and made it through. There's hope! Also, this leads to some pretty funny lines. Check them out on the Mike & Molly quotes page.

Even though I was a little skeptical about the whole comparing-your-fiancée-to-food thing, in the end Mike and Molly won me over. They are such a sweet couple, and even if the premise sounds like it might be a little flat, they make it work with their wonderful chemistry. 

Also, the idea that Molly is crack knife thrower is hilarious. I just want all of these little quirks everyone has to come out at the wedding, although that would make for one really crazy episode. Bring it on. 

Did I miss anything? What were your favorite parts?

Mike Likes Lasagna Review

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Mike & Molly Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes

Did I dream this, or last night were you drunk in the backyard throwing a knife at a tree?

Victoria [to Molly]

Carl: If I die before you and you have to write my eulogy, compare me to chicken piccata.
Mike: Done.