The Bachelorette Review: Men in Skirts

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Natalie Getz is a former Bachelor hopeful and the first-ever winner of Bachelor Pad.

In reviewing The Bachelorette for TV Fanatic she brings her unique experience of having been through this roller coaster ride, as well as her spot-on commentary on the men seeking Emily Maynard's heart.

Who brought the drama tonight as the show headed to Croatia? How did Emily deal with the fallout from last Monday's incident with Kalon? Are The Bachelorette spoilers hinting at her top three holding water?

Find out in Natalie's review of Episode Six, using a breakdown of some of the best quotes heard throughout. Who stayed and who left after two one-on-one dates and a group date? Read on ...


Travis:  "Suck.  With a capitol S.U.C.K."

Emily takes Travis on a one on one date and decides not to give him a rose leaving him devastated. Several tears and desperate lines were utilized by Travis's mouth in the limo.

Arie:  "So, last week I was in a dress and now I'm in a skirt."

Emily then takes the guys to a children's movie (lame) and continues to dress them up and make them reenact the movie by competing in Croatian games. 

The Bachelorette in Croatia

Emily:  "I'm not gonna lie, it was impressive.  Sean looked freakin' hot."

Sean did a great job completing in the challenges.  Chris, on the other hand, did very poorly.

Jef:  "You give me the type of feeling that people write novels about."

He told this to Emily on their group date.  Jef is such a cute little nerd:)  He is the cool nerd that all the popular girls crushed on in college. 

Emily:  "What took you so dag on long?" 

Dag On?  My spell check just went bananas. 

Arie:  "Every time I think I'm gonna get one, I don't."

Chris ended up getting the group date rose and Arie is confused after he took her on a walk and passionately kissed her slammed up against a brick wall in an alley way.

Chris:  "Ryan is kind of a jack ass.  It takes the guy 3 hours to get ready.  He shaves his legs and plucks his finger hairs and stuff.  It's weird."

Ryan gets the next one on one date and the guys make fun of him the whole time.  It's pretty freaking funny, actually!

Jef:  "You're so full of shit dude.  Just shut the F#@k up." 

Making fun of Ryan after her tells Emily the world is their oyster and she is his pearl.

Ryan:  "I'm a very safe driver.  You may not feel safe.  But, I don't get into accidents." 

Ya, we see there.  Everyone is honking at you.  On their one on one date, Ryan tries to impress Emily by stating he is a great driver only to make her think he would be a good driver for her daughter.

Ryan:  "Every Man should believe his wife is a trophy."

Ryan actually tells this to Emily on their date.  WOW.

Ryan:  "I can go get the girl.  I have no problem doing that.  That may come off as arrogant, but it's just me being truthful."

I have no comment on this one.  I'm sure we are all thinking the same thing.  And it's not good thoughts!

Ryan:  "How are you gonna say you don't wanna be a trophy wife and come lookin' like that?" 

He is talking about Emily's awful gold evening gown on the dinner portion of their date.  Again, he says this directly to her face.

Emily:  "On the top of my list would be a loving family.  And not a perfect one. "

Right before Emily does not give Ryan the rose, she tells him that his list of what he wants in a woman and family have nothing in common with his.

Ryan:  "That is very shocking, because, I would not have seen that coming."

Ryan absolutely can not handle rejection.  He talks to Emily for what seems like hours convincing her to give him the rose. 

Doug:  "I have never met anyone who thinks so incredibly highly of themselves."

Ryan:  "I can't even begin to imagine how shocked the guys will be when they find out I'm not coming home.  We built great friendships so I'll see them again real soon."

As the guys high five each other upon realizing Ryan has been rejected by Emily.  Ya, great friendships ya got there, Ryan.

Ryan:  "When you look at me, you look at a winner."

Ryan's limo exit was amazing.  He talked to the producers the entire time about giving him a good edit and not allowing him to look like an arrogant ass hole.  He also talks about all of his worldly gifts he has been blessed with.  Hysterically laughing over here!

Arie:  "If Ryan is the next bachelor, then the next bachelorette is a mirror."

You said it best, Arie!

Arie:  "I'm definitely in love.  I could ask that girl to marry me tomorrow."

Arie sneaks into Emily's place after Ryan goes home.  He tells her how proud he is of her and that she is an excellent judge of character.  They make out for a bit, then as Arie is walking home, he talks about how in love he is with her.  This guys better freaking be the one engaged to her! He is super rad!

Emily:  "I can not hand out this final rose."

Since the show has been pretty boring, the producers have Emily pretend that she isn't giving out the final rose.  Dramatically, Chris brings in two roses as she tells Josh and Doug that neither of them are going home.  Awe:)  By awe, I mean, vomit. 

Next week Emily takes the guys to Prague and it looks like Arie fills her in on the fact that he has dated a producer. We will finally get to see Emily address the situation to the producer all on camera!

Finally, we are going to see some real drama! My predictions? She sends Arie home immediately. Then he comes back and she let's him back in the game. I mean love story.

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