The Secret Life of the American Teenager Review: Make New Friends, Keep the Old

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Despite being a filler episode, we did get to know a few characters on this week's The Secret Life of the American Teenager. In "Past History" Ricky runs into a friend from his foster care days, while Ethan takes a liking to pregnant freshman Kathy.

Even though Ricky claims Clementine is more like a sister to him, there is no denying how flustered he got in her presence. 

Dylan Worries

Clementine doesn't seem interested in Ricky as more than a pal. She was awfully protective at the thought of Adrian trying to hit on Ricky and disrupt his marriage.

Of course, Adrian will always have lingering feelings for Ricky - they have a long history - but I don't think she was really there to bait Clementine. I say she was a little curious and had to get some work done so she figured she'd kill two birds with one stone. Maybe I am just giving Adrian too much credit, though. What do you all think?

Perhaps Clementine will become a love interest for Jack? We already know he's attracted to her and Grace isn't going to give him what he wants. Jack and Grace have the most fickle relationship. I could see him getting back together with Grace... only to end up cheating again.

I know we've met Kathy, the pregnant freshman before, but it was only for a brief moment when she first met with Amy. I wasn't so sure we would see her again, but now that she met Ethan we know a storyline is brewing. I have to admit: even though Ethan is not such an exciting character, I think his new relationship with Kathy will be able to bring some fresh drama to the show. Let's face it, some of the storylines are getting stale. Cough, the wedding, cough.

Hey, maybe we're about to have a brand new wedding on our hands after George told Kathleen he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Maybe third time's a charm for him? I like those two together. They should let Margaret, Shaker and Nora plan their wedding. They would totally appreciate the elephants.

Not like Ricky and his super bright fiancee who left her purse in her locker with $1000 in it. Smart move girl. I actually thought Ricky might've stolen it just to teach her a lesson about carrying that much cash around. 

What did everyone think of Lauren's speech to Madison about how life isn't all about marriage and babies? As preachy as it was, I actually enjoyed the message. Also everything on this show is preachy so they might as well say something intelligent for once. For Lauren's exact quote, head over to our section of The Secret Life of the American Teenager quotes.

So what did everyone think of this week's episode? Do you think Ben's troubles are over? Will Ethan and Kathy continue their relationship? Hit the comments!

Past History Review

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The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 5 Episode 16 Quotes

You're criminally neurotic.

Dylan [to Ben]

Our wedding was really fun, even though we didn't get married.

Amy [to Ricky]