Two and a Half Men Review: A Fizzy Douche

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Finally, after two or three weeks of leading a double life, eating out of cans and using toilet paper as a coffee filter, Walden came to his senses and realized his lies were doing him no good: the billionaire decided to hightail it to New York and confess to Kate.

"Grab a Feather and Get in Line" brought everything to a head. After finding Walden holed up and looking miserable, Alan decided to intervene and take care of him and his pot belly.

Walden's Decision

Following a little exercise and healthy eating, they took off. Unfortunately, once Walden spilled the beans, Kate was understandably upset.

But I don’t get why she would not take him back. Granted, he might have lied, but he's also wholly responsible for her current success. If she were really angry, she should have cancelled the show and said she did not want anything to do with Walden or his money.

Although, some might argue, he lied to her, he tricked her, took advantage of her... but I don’t see it that way.

After getting rejected, and after Alan insisted they should take in some musicals, Walden imagined one and BOOM, both men were shimmying their way across the streets of New York, with people calling Walden a “fizzy douche," according to Kate. This scene was the most fun in any episode of Two and a Half Men Season 10.

By the way, how catchy was that big dance number? Walden and Alan deserve marks for their singing. 

Not to take anything away from the choreography, I would just have loved to see the supporting characters take part. Just imagine Berta belting out show tunes; the thought alone is leaving me in stitches.

So now that Kate and Walden are on a break, the latter is in the same place he was a few episodes ago: lots of money, a big jet and no one to love him. (And, no, Alan does not count).

In the end, he lost a lot. I just hope that Walden does eventually find someone. Don't you?

What did you think of the episode? Do you think Kate will take Walden back? Ponder these questions as you visit our updated Two and a Half Men quotes section.

Grab a Feather and Get in Line Review

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Two and a Half Men Season 10 Episode 13 Quotes

My penis is like Santa Claus, I don't have to see it, I just need to believe it exists.


Kate: This whole time, I thought he was the douche, but turns out, you are the douche.
Alan: Unbelievable! She likes me.