The Glades Review: Secret Is In The Sauce

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Okay, raise your hand if you felt like going out for barbecue after watching Jim (and Carlos) snacking on ribs so much during the episode? I feel certain that shares in smoked meats will rise a tiny bit tonight thanks to "Killer Barbecue."

I would love to know how much Matt Passmore actually ate during the filming of this episode. We've seen Jim snack pretty much all the time, but I can't even imagine trying to eat ribs as much as he did this round. 

What's Smoking?

Food aside for the moment, The Glades really stepped up its guest star quotient this week. Between Ed Asner (Hawaii Five-0) as the grumpy doctor Callie is working for part time ,and Malik Yoba (Alphas) as Jimmy’s would-be foster brother Landon Givens, it feels like The Glades has started to make it on the radar as a show people want to be a guest on. 

I had a chance to meet Yoba at San Diego Comic-Con last year and I count myself a fan of his work after getting to hear how he works. Watching him play the swamp-man while doing a southern drawl was fun; my wife, however, did mutter a small "oh my" when he was chopping wood in a tight t-shirt and was a little sweaty. 

Meanwhile, Asner is looking really good for his age and he portrays the grumpy-chauvinistic-ass-hat so well. I enjoyed Callie turning on him when he baited her with “is that the best you got.” Did anyone else see him coming back to ask her to work for him because she can stand up to him?

While the big name guest stars were great, by far the best part was meeting Daniel’s brother. I’m so glad that they are expanding the supporting characters and giving us a glimpse into their home life. I look forward to learning more about the other characters. Hopefully we will get to see more of Carlos with his wife and daughter(s).

Finally, I’m also glad I wasn't playing the Jim Longworth drinking game. This is the one I mentioned previously we should make where you take a shot/drink anytime he is eating something and you finish your drink if he takes his shirt off. I would have written this review completely drunk if I had been. 

Overall, I’m giving this episode 4.5 racks of tasty ribs for another fun episode that got to see Callie and Jim working on their wedding. Do you like where they are taking the show this year with a little lighter tone?

Killer Barbecue Review

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Jim G. is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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The Glades Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Daniel: Hi Detective Longworth
Jim: Daniel, Daniel's brother, what's for lunch?

Jim: two grand for a dress you're only going to wear once?
Callie: That's the plan assuming you're not going to screw this thing up.