Glee Review: Let It Be

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Beatles week continued on Glee and this one was (even) better than last Thursday's premiere. There was Sue snark. There was progress in the story lines. There was great music. There was Demi Lovato.

"Tina in the Sky with Diamonds" was a strong second week for Glee, which will be taking a break after next week's tribute to Cory Monteith.

Santana and Dani

Let's just start by shouting the news we've been waiting to hear since Glee first debuted over 4 years ago. 

RACHEL GOT THE PART! She's Fanny Brice! 

No joke, I teared up when the producer came into the diner to give her the news. She cried. I cried. And I felt silly for crying because this is a TV show and she's not even a real person. But it just felt so perfect. So real. 

We've followed along with Rachel's dreams of getting to Broadway, or as close to it as possible, as quickly as possible. We've heard time and again that this was the role she was born to play. She was so convinced she hadn't gotten the part that part of me thought they might decide to go another way with the story. 

While it might be more dramatic for her not to get the role right now, I don't mind that she's gotten her first break while she's just, what, 19? (Especially when compared to Santana's first break.) Ah! I'm so happy for Rachel right now. Go on with your Funny Girl self! 

Except for Kurt and Rachel and the piano tuning brigade meant solely for the purposes of choreographing "Get Back," everything about New York was perfect tonight. 

Demi Lovato as Dani, Santana's love interest, is a really great addition. The potential relationship gave us a chance to see the typically confident, slightly brash Santana be nervous and sort of schoolgirl-ish. Like Rachel said, it was cute. 

Dani seems more mature, which works well since the idea is that we see the characters in New York as older than they actually are. Bonus? She can sing. Their duet on "Here Comes The Sun," while not my favorite performance of the night, was a decent way to tell us a little more about Dani. I don't even care that Santana's already calling Dani her girlfriend and usually that's the sort of thing that would bug me. 

Back at McKinley, Tina developed a bit of a diva syndrome after being nominated for prom queen. She dumped Sam which allowed him to hit on the college student Sue hired to vaccinate everyone against polio. (I can't even with how ridiculous that sentence is. But yes. That's what happened.)

Any time there's a prom, there's always a chance the prom will get Carrie-d. It finally happened on Glee when Bree arranged for a bucket of slushies to be dumped on Tina's head. It was just as mortifying as the pig's blood in Carrie but less devastating because Tina can't start fires with her mind. So there's that, right?

If I think about this prom too much I'm going to get annoyed at how Tina can't get a decent storyline. Poor, mistreated, badly written Tina. 

What I did like about her slushie-ing is the way the glee club rallied behind her, cleaned her up, and sent her back into the prom. It was reminiscent of Kurt's prom queen win and kind of a testament to the strength of the group when they come together. And it gave us "Hey Jude," my second favorite Beatles song next to the closing number, "Let It Be."

All in all, this was a solid second episode of the season, building up enough momentum so far that next week's tribute to Cory Monteith will be appropriately devastating. I've already got my tissues at the ready just after seeing the previews.

What did you think of tonight's episode, "Tina In The Sky With Diamonds?" Were you surprised that Rachel got the part? How did you like Demi Lovato's debut?

Tina in the Sky with Diamonds Review

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Rating: 3.5 / 5.0 (117 Votes)

Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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Glee Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Rachel: So, did you hear about Santana's good news?
Kurt: That she doesn't have a yeast infection?

Hey there, Buttchin! Ahh, Samgelina Jolie!


Glee Season 5 Episode 2 Music

  Song Artist
Something Glee Cast iTunes
Here Comes The Sun Glee Cast iTunes
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Glee Cast iTunes