Parenthood Review: Booty Calls and Other Relationship Issues

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We took a break this week from Kristina's mayoral race.

And while that may be exciting to think of at first, what it actually meant was that Parenthood Season 5 Episode 7 was practically devoid of happiness. 

I'm starting to feel dragged down a bit by this season. Even my favorite scenes at The Luncheonette weren't enough to carry the episode to anyplace very special.

Drew's Crush

You'd think that with an extended family the size of the Bravermans that Drew would have been familiar with college hook up by the time he got there. Apparently not. It's not longer cute to watch this clueless teen fall for the girl who's dropping by for a booty call while he broods, whines and wants a relationship.

Honestly? I have no idea what she sees in him. To top it off, the story is so poorly written that I have yet to hear him use her name so I'm relegated to calling her "the girl." It's time to take the training wheels off of Drew and give him a little spunk. If not, then put him in some skinny black jeans and a hoodie so he can slink around college like his personality demands.

Unfortunately, Drew wasn't the only Braverman who was lacking a spine tonight. It's becoming a "will they"/"won't they" situation with just about every couple on the show. Enough already. 

Max discovered a photo of Sarah in Hank's drawer at the studio, and Hank - as he does - treated Max like an adult as he explained why they were no longer together. Max being Max then shared their conversation around a family dinner table and that set Sarah running to Hank's to have a chat.

From what I recall, Hank and Sarah never really came to a conclusive decision about the end of their relationship. They still have feelings for each other and the only reason she went to see him was because of those lingering feelings. His reaction was to cut Max out of his life, which he later took back while he flirted with Sarah. It used to be cute, but with all the poor choices Sarah has made in the past, her dalliances with men aren't any more.

Then we have her daughter, Amber. Amber who was absolutely certain just a few episodes ago that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Ryan was showing signs otherwise. She was asking Kristina to share her beautiful engagement story as if she was questioning what she had with Ryan. And yet when Ryan got down on bended knee and presented Amber with a giant ring, she still didn't seem satisfied.

But she wasn't the only one who looked off. Ryan didn't look any more secure in his decision than Amber did. In fact, he looked jealous quite a bit of the time. While he never brought it up or asked Amber to act differently, it still didn't feel like the two of them were in the best place. He had to see what we did with the Ashes of Rome drummer and Amber being very cozy. While I wouldn't have wanted to think Amber had any interest, I'm no longer sure.

Which brings me to the best part of the night. When Oliver was acting out again in the studio, Amber had an amazing idea to get him to perform well. She had seen him live and thought giving him an audience to pour on the charisma to a crowd would be the perfect way to get a really great recording out of them. 

It's always a highlight when there is good music at The Luncheonette, and the concert atmosphere and seeing Amber excel at something was really fun. I like the music a lot, as well, which is a plus. Ashes of Rome are like The Luncheonette house band and they really fit in with the crew, despite Oliver's antics.

Yes, Zeek and Camille parted ways as she went to Italy alone - much to the surprise of her children. Zeek finally confided in Adam why he didn't go, which gave Adam a little bit of understanding into why Julia was behaving so oddly about their parents when the kids had a meal together. 

Julia only seems happy when she's talking with Ed, and even a booty call to Joel was ineffectual and odd. She was trying to be spicy, but instead her glances around his office make it feel very uncomfortable. She needs to take her mother's lead and tell Joel what's on her mind before she loses herself in her relationship with him.

It was a sad and disappointing episode. I'm ready for at least one couple to start making some serious decisions, but it seems like wavering is the way to go. There needs to be a few more light stories to balance out the dark ones.

Is anyone left out there watching? Hit the comments and share your thoughts on the darkness that's befallen the Braverman family. They were more entertaining during a heavy cancer plot line, and that doesn't seem right. 

Speaking of Baggage Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Parenthood Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

Julia: I didn't come here to talk.
Joel: No you didn't. Ah. Wow. This is a first.
Julia: I mean, if you don't have time...
Joel: Oh no. I have time.

I will tell you the real reason I am not going. OK? I was not invited.
