Drop Dead Diva Review: The L Word

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Jane and Grayson have been five seasons in the making - so was it a surprise to anyone that she let "I love you" slip out when she did?

Drop Dead Diva Season 6 Episode 7 covered that awkward territory of telling someone you love them when it might be too soon.

Luckily for Jane, and the viewers, Grayson was on the same page. It took the whole episode, but Grayson reciprocated those feelings.

Grayson: Well it's been a long day, I should get home.
Jane: Yeah, yeah have a good night.
Grayson: Just one more thing.
Jane: What's that?
Grayson: I love you, too.

I must give Jane major props for playing it so cool after she let it slip. No big deal, no big drama. I'm sure part of that was due to having a major emotional case as a distraction.

Jane represented a girl who needed a bone marrow transplant. The nun who originally agreed to it went back on her word because it turns out she was pregnant. A pregnant nun? SCANDAL!

Due to one of Stacy's random and always helpful spurts of intelligence, Jane discovered she could find out if her client's sperm donor father had any other children. There was a sister who could help, but her mother wouldn't give consent.

The 16-year-old sister's attempt to emancipate herself just made me realize how fake Nathan's whole emancipation case was on One Tree Hill. Well, it failed here, but in the midst of bonding, things got emotional and the sister was allowed to give her bone marrow in the end.

Sometimes people need to just have a little compassion for each other. That was a tear-jerking scene for sure and I admired how giving the sister was.

Speaking of emancipation, if Kim is already riding her newborn about getting into Harvard and being a lawyer, that kid is going to want to emancipate from her one day! 

Good thing she let Stacy babysit or Owen wouldn't have been able to showcase his awesome baby skills. Between that shared moment and Ellie's advice (okay, and a little booze) Owen got the courage to tell Stacy his feelings. I just loved her reaction!

Owen, you had me at vacuum cleaner.


So are you happy that Jane and Grayson dropped the L bomb? How about Owen and Stacy, do they belong together?

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Drop Dead Diva Season 6 Episode 7 Quotes

Only you could find a way to rock out in prison.

Jane [to Teri]

Jane: Do you think I'm delusional?
Stacy: I think that you came back to life after you died, so anything is possible!