The Real Housewives of Orange County Review: Betrayal For Everybody!

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Another Monday, another drama in the OC, right? Right. And how did we guess Tamra would find herself in the middle of it?

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 9 Episode 10, rumors about Shannon Beador's marriage begin to fly and Shannon blames Tamra for the false information being bandied about. 

It's about to get juicy in Orange County...

Tamra and Shannon are still chatting in Tamra's living room. David's email said he thought he should move out for a while. Tamra hears "David wants a divorce"

Shannon says that since the kids were born, David has looked at her with a blank look on his face. They haven't slept in the same room regularly in a while.

While Shannon is talking to Tamra, Shannon gets a text from David that Heather and a group of other women were talking about the email at a restaurant. Tamra is the only person Shannon has told about the email.

Tamra says she didn't say anything to Heather about it. Minus 25 for lying. 

"I absolutely believe you 100%," Shannon says. She's also probably lying.

Over at Vicki's house, she's opening an award all by herself in her lonely house. So she calls Brooks on the phone. They don't see each other often because he's always traveling doing something for whatever it is he does for work. 

In order to be together, they're going to Puerto Vallarta for a getaway and invited Shannon and David along with them. 

David came home to apologize to Shannon and Shannon's on a mission to do whatever it takes to get her marriage back on track. If David's on her team, he has a funny way of showing it. Minus 10.

While Heather and Terry are sitting around having drinks in their living room and talking about Eddie and Tamra, there's a knock at the door. It's Shannon.

When Terry pours her drink too strong, Shannon says she needs to learn to drink a normal drink. 

Heather thinks Shannon has stopped by to apologize for yelling at her at the Beador Christmas party. She's a bit incredulous to find out that Shannon has come there to find out why Heather's talking about her behind her back.

Shannon apologizes for yelling at Heather and then redirects the conversation. It erupts into an argument with Shannon pleading mother to mother for Heather to tell her who gave her the information about her marriage. 

Heather thinks it's weird that Shannon has come looking for this information when they're just not friends like that or on good terms. Shannon wants to know if they were on better terms if Heather would tell her. 

Terry stands in the corner staring on with a look of excitement and disbelief on his face. Plus 12.

Heather eventually asks Shannon to leave because she's DONE WITH THIS and Shannon storms out. In the car, she calls David to tell him where she went on her errand and he is probably irritated that she went to Heather's. 

Shannon is hurt by Tamra and Heather and says that if Heather had shown up on her doorstep in pain and crying, she would've sung like a canary. So the difference between Shannon Beador and Heather Dubrow is actually loyalty.

Full disclosure: I was paying about 60% attention because Brooks is on the screen but I'm at least 90% certain Vicki said she wished Brooks would greet her with a titty twister. Minus 18.

Since Eddie's still on the fence about having a baby, Tamra got a robot baby to try and change Eddie's mind about whether or not they should proceed.

And then Tamra says "hashtag babyballs!" Plus 10. Classic Tamra.

Eddie practices skin to skin or fake breastfeeding to calm the baby. He wins parenting round 1.

Shannon's having a holistic healing session at her house to heal....whatever. OH. It's an essential oils session. 

Shannon gives this shindig about 10 minutes before she brings up the drama with Heather and within the Beador marriage. Heather, meanwhile, is on the phone with Tamra talking about the visit from Shannon.

When Shannon tells Lizzie and Danielle that Heather and/or Tamra think she has a drinking problem and Shannon goes on to say how she doesn't even drink every day and there's not a consistent pattern at all, Danielle says "I know if I drank vodka straight I'd be on my ass."

Shannon then denies that she drinks vodka straight, insisting she only does half a shot in her soda water. LIAR. Minus 15.

Then Shannon says "you're quite judgmental, Danielle." scrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeech. Minus 40. WOW.

Lizzie doesn't know how to begin to discuss this with Shannon, and Lizzie says she doesn't think anyone would do this maliciously. 

The essential oils woman has been sitting there the whole time, by the way, probably wishing she really DID have a shut the f*ck up oil in her kit.

While Vicki and Brooks are getting naked massages on a patio in Puerto Vallarta, and Brooks says something about getting turned on. Then the massage therapists are SO NOT GOOD at covering up Vicki and Brooks when they flip over and THANK GOD for blurring out Brooks' Baby Brooks. 

I'm still going to bleach my eyes. Minus 35.

Tamra and Shannon meet for dinner and drinks and Tamra's nervous because she hasn't talked to Shannon since Tamra was at her house. Across town (or nearby?) Heather and Terry have dinner with Lizzie.

Tamra comes clean about saying something to Heather and couches it in a way that makes it seem like she was just trying to get Heather to lay off Shannon. Basically, Tamra blames it all on Heather.

Heather admits to mentioning that Shannon wasn't in a good place and got an email and says that other people at the table started talking about what they're hearing and she shut it down and changed the tune. 

Eh, maybe she did. Maybe she didn't. But this is going to be one fired up reunion show.

Tamra feels betrayed by Heather and feels like a betrayer. Shannon feels betrayed. Lizzie is currently betraying the essential oils party lady by eating whatever it is she just ate with Terry and Heather at that restaurant. BETRAYAL FOR EVERYBODY! 

Shannon calls Heather's behavior cruel and just cannot believe that she would be "kicked out" of someone's house. The NERVE! Shannon doesn't know if she can ever trust Tamra again. If she's smart, she'll only trust Tamra as far as she can throw her.


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Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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