Days of Our Lives Round Table: What To Do About Bo?

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Kristen finally met Theresa, Stefano threatened to return and Hope and Aidan shared a heated kiss on last week's Days of Our Lives.

Our TV Fanatics Nick McHatton and Christine Orlando is joined by Kpatch and Mikey from MyHourglass a Days of Our Lives Fan Forum to discuss Eric and Nicole's future, Marlena's impromptu therapy session, what they'd like to see happen with Bo Brady and their vote for most boring scene of the week.


Do you want to see Eric and Nicole reconcile?

Nick: I do want to see them reconcile one day, but there's too much friction between them right now for the resolution to feel satisfying or organic. They need to move on with their lives for now, and let fate take control if it's meant to be.

Kpatch:  I do. I think they were really good together and they had all this rich history. I’m not sure that their relationship can be rebuilt though. I hate how she stalks him and how he yells at her. It’s not enjoyable to watch.

Mikey:  Will it get everyone to stop screeching about VOCATIONS? Then sure! Honestly, I was really into the two of them several months back, but their dynamic has become so nasty that I'm not sure I could ever buy them as being good for one another.

Christine:  Ugh. Once upon a time I thought these two had great potential but they've been just horrible to watch in recent weeks. She's manipulative and whiny. He's moody and mean. At this point I'd like a break from both of them.

What should the show do about Bo Brady?

Nick: I'm not sure what they can do aside from killing him, Hope asking for a divorce, or he's found someone new and asks for a divorce. Either way Hope has been extremely loyal to him while he has not, and she deserves some stability and happiness again.

Kpatch:  Something, for sure. If he was presumed dead, that would set Aiden and Hope back too far. She’d have to grieve. I’ve got it! She can find out he’s secretly been shacking up with Carly in Barcelona. That would give her permission to move on.

Mikey:  I don't think my sanity can handle another text message divorce. I have a fantasy scenario where John realizes Hope is tempted by Aiden and reveals that Bo is undercover following a lead that Jack might be alive. Hope joins him, but Bo is killed on the mission. They could get Peter Reckell for two days, have Bo go out a hero, and free Hope up. (And who says he has to stay dead later?)

Christine: They have to do something! I'm so tired of Hope being in limbo but Kpatch is right. If Bo dies, there should be a lengthy grieving process (unlike Jennifer and Daniel). But if Bo's not coming back, even as a recast, then they have to end Bo and Hope. Hope is far too dynamic a character to remained back burnered for so long. 

Was Marlena right to check in on Abigail?

Nick: I like that she did. By now the town knows that Marlena is always willing to check in on everyone, blood or not, to offer guidance and support. Abigail certainly could use it too.

Kpatch:  That was weird. And intrusive. It would have been one thing if Abigail sought her counsel, but she didn’t.

Mikey:  She wasn't wrong to check in on her, but then she took it 500 steps too far. There's compassion and then there's being ridiculous. She can't stop snapping at Nicole for hurting Eric by shredding some papers -- a mistake she later remedied -- but Abigail gets a free therapy session in exchange for blowing up Sami's relationship? At this rate, I expect Marlena to present Stefano with a box of chocolates if comes roaring back into town and kills Sami!

Christine:  You're right Mikey! If you hurt Eric you are shunned for life but sleep with Sami's fiance and you get a free therapy session. You'd think that Marlena would recall that Abigail also went after Carrie's husband but that seems to have been completely forgotten. 

Do you think EJ is secretly working for Stefano?

Nick: No, EJ wants Sami back, and he's ready to drop everything for her, including his father and the DiMera name.

Kpatch:  I kind of hope so. I don’t like seeing EJ turn on his family, all for the love of Samantha. To me, that’s out of character.

Mikey:  I actually don't. It would be a good twist, but it'd be the final nail in the EJami coffin -- and if there's one thing more constant about EJ than his being a duplicitous criminal, it's his obsession with having "Samanther." I really think he wants to prove himself to her.

Christine:  I hope not. I'd like to see EJ and Sami get back together. They are each twisted enough to be perfect for one another. 

Theresa vs. Kristen. Who do you think wins?

Nick: Theresa doesn't stand a chance against Kristen. Kristen's going to figure out how she's put together and then take her apart. 

Kpatch:  Kristen. She’s had way more practice. Theresa is still honing her skills.

Mikey:  Kristen. Always. Theresa has a lot to learn. You can't just put some guy in a coma and pray he doesn't wake up to rat you out!

Christine: In the end, Kristen but I think watching Theresa take her on is going to be a lot of fun. 

What was the most boring scene of the week?

Nick: Nicole trying so hard with Eric. She really needs to move on away from him right now. She's made a huge mistake, and he can't figure out how to figure her. They both need some space away from each other.

Kpatch:  Jordan’s flashbacks of her in that patchwork quilt dress listening to Clyde. I would have fast-forwarded it, but I thought maybe I’d finally learn the reason viewers have been tortured with this story for the past year.

Mikey:  Anything involving good ol' Tammy Sue, though at least I got a horrified chuckle out of her flashback to being dressed as a slutty prairie milkmaid. If that was how I grew up dressing, I'd leave town and change my name, too.

Christine:  Just when I thought Jordan's scenes couldn't get worse, they hit a new low. The outfit was horrible. The dialogue even worse and in the end we learned absolutely nothing yet again. I'd be willing to pay the writers off if they sent Jordan and Clyde back to Poplar Bluff for good. 

What was your favorite scene or story of the week?

Nick:  The Haiden kiss! Been waiting a very long time for it to happen, and how it came together is great. A little drunk Aiden finally lets his walls down to confess his feelings. Hope is into the kiss, but still remembers Bo and their marriage. I'd like to see Hope do some pursuing now. 

Kpatch:  I adore JJ and Paige, so their scene at the lake would be my favorite. Second favorite is Aiden finally kissing Hope.

Mikey:  Hope and Aiden! I thought the build-up to that kiss was pitch-perfect. I was actually disappointed they weren't in Friday's episode. They were so compelling that I was even able to ignore the stupidity of Hope deciding to hang out in the woods by herself in the dead of night.

Christine:  Definitely Hope and Aidan's kiss. Finally! I really want their story line to move forward. They have great chemistry and it's wonderful to see Hope in a scene with someone other than Ciara but I don't know how they move forward if she's still married to Bo. 

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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