Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 3 Review: Wingman

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It’s not often that I can say the least interesting focus of a Person of Interest episode involved Reese.

Don’t get me wrong, he had his moments from the knee-capping on the tour bus at the beginning to charming the new boss to getting to kick a little ass at the end. And I loved seeing his glee at getting to use the benefits of “Big Brother” and do the watching to figure out where Fusco was taken.

But Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 3 really put Fusco front and center in a way that was fun, full of humor, while still maintaining a person of interest rescue.

I couldn’t help but smile at the reveal that Fusco was being set up to get a wingman, especially with Shaw tailing him and adding her own snarky comments along the way.

With all the seriousness this show can gravitate towards, taking a mini-break to go for something a little lighthearted is always a treat. So to add Fusco to that mix makes it even better.

Where else can you watch him fail horribly at picking up women (loved that sequence set simply to a montage with music), act like a total bad ass and save his wingman the next moment and then get caught by bad guys right after?

The case itself, a man running from his past after his friends make a shady deal with criminals, was OK, not my favorite, but it was good to see it at least connected to Fusco’s past. He too eventually had to stand up and make a move against HR. And now look where Fusco is. He’s not that crooked cop anymore.

And I did appreciate his statements to Reese that being a police officer was his job, not just to cover his superhero identity. He’s definitely part of the POI team for sure, but he’s also got many real world things to take care of. It’s not just fun and games.

Fusco is just a likable character in general, and its great to see him get to have his victories as well. We all love seeing Shaw and Reese show off their skills, but Fusco getting to give that final punch is definitely a reminder not to underestimate him just because he sometimes wears the same suit two days in a row.

And kudos to Fusco going on a date and putting his new moves to good use at the end.

Of course, even with all the fun, the hour did provide a little mystery with Finch going on a “ridiculous journey” (his words) that revealed the Machine collecting money, weapons, etc. for Finch and the team.

Not only did it put Finch in the field, but his change in character, tone and demeanor as the widely known “Egret” was a cool and kind of scary transition. I couldn’t help but be reminded of Benjamin Linus from Lost. I love just how Finch is, refusing to end up selling the rocket, sticking to his morals, but his little breaks into the new character was also fun.

I’m sure he and Root will certainly figure out a clever way to use the rocket after all.

This was the right type of episode to place after the first two intense hours of Person of Interest Season 4. I can only imagine what other adventures Fusco will get into this season...

What did you think? Did you enjoy Fusco at the center of the episode? Might as well catch his wingman moves again when you watch Person of Interest online.

Wingman Review

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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (185 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Ramen and two buck chuck for the rest of the month.


Maybe it's time you give her a second chance.
