Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 20 Review: Terra Incognita

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What is Reese’s fate on Person of Interest?

Will he ever get a chance at an “after,” or is that simply not possible for him?

It’s recently felt like Reese has been foreshadowing his own demise, and Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 20 actually had me thinking that maybe, just maybe, this would be his final hour.

This was a major episode to explore Reese’s character, especially because he is such a guarded and private individual. So to bring back Carter via flashback and hallucination was a great way to allow Reese to open up, mostly to himself, but also for viewers.

I actually enjoyed seeing the various layers of time intertwine, from Carter first working the homicide case to Carter chatting with Reese on a stakeout (presumably some time after Finch had just gotten Bear) to Reese trying to put the pieces of that cold case together during the present.

The reveal on who actually killed the family felt a little bit soap opera-y, but it was clear that the hour was far more about focusing in on Reese’s character rather than the intricacies of the case of the week.

Sure, we also got a little bit of story about the Brotherhood that Finch, Fusco and Root handled, but this was an hour all about Reese.

So to hear Reese talk about why he actually left Jessica or why he took on the case alone, to be the one that got to be close to Carter again, was very revealing.

While I loved the stakeout scenes, it was an interesting twist that the conversation never actually got deeper than making some wise cracks and turning up the music. Reese had so much to say, so much good stuff to open up about, and yet he never actually did.

That was heartbreaking in a way, because he felt a connection with Carter, and yet he was never able to tell her those things he did in this episode.

I was definitely glad that Carter talked about change, about hope and about people that care about Reese. Yes, it was certainly a hallucination, but it seemed like something Carter would say, and I can only hope that it pushes Reese to open up more and be much more positive in his outlook. After all, he’s done so many positive things for others.

Bringing back Taraji P. Henson (who is now on the hit show Empire) was a real treat. I was prepared for it to just be some nostalgia for her character, but it proved to be so much more to the present story.

Person of Interest does such a good job of trying to make everything it does carry some sort of purpose, and Carter’s return was integral for Reese. You really felt something in such a sincere moment as Reese tearing up or Carter holding his hand.

But who actually rolled up on Reese? Was it a member of the POI team? Was it Elias? Someone else?

Reese luckily managed to survive the hour, but I’m still wondering if he’s out of the woods yet. I can only hope that he detours his path once again, keeps fighting, and learns to open up with his teammates.

Let’s hope that when all is said and done, Reese will be able to get his “after.”

What did you think of the hour? Who showed up at the end? Sound off below, and if you're looking for more Carter episodes, be sure to watch Person of Interest online!

Terra Incognita Review

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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (290 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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