Days of Our Lives Recap: Ben Is The Killer?!?

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It was a big week on Days of Our Lives as Steve took off to find Bo, Paige’s daddy turned up with an even bigger secret, Andre Dimera returned and Ben was revealed as the killer stalking the woman of Salem.

Stefano knew Aiden stole from him and called him out on it. If that and a canceled check is all that happens when you steal from a Dimera, then Stefano is losing his touch. 

Aiden threatened to tell Hope the truth and go to the cops. Ha! It didn’t take a minute for Stefano to call his bluff. Aiden might be valuable now, but for how long. With Andre back in the picture, it wouldn’t take much prodding to make Aiden disappear. That said, I really have no idea what Aiden is about to tell how...but I doubt it's the truth. 

Steve was on the hunt for Bo and he came across a Britta England look-a-like. I loved the use of history but since that storyline was about 30 years ago, I knew the person in that photo couldn’t be Britta. Maybe her daughter but not her. I'm still unclear who Claudia is and why she has the same tattoo as Bo, Britta, and Steve.

Paige’s daddy turned up in Salem. He skipped out on being a part of her life; so nice of him to make time for her funeral. When Eduardo said he wasn’t worthy of being her father, Eve’s response in this Days of Our Lives quote made my heart ache for her…

I wasn't worthy either, yeah, but I thank God that I had the sense to stick around and try because every day, every single day with that little girl of mine made my life worth living.


For once, Eve’s anger was completely justified and it’s wonderful to see Kassie DePaiva get a storyline worthy of her talents. A. Martinez is perfect as the wayward father of not just Paige but the Hernandez clan as well. 

The entire reveal led to some emotionally powerful scenes between Eve and Rafe as Rafe learned of the other sister he never knew he had and tried to figure out how to protect the rest of his family from their lousy father. 

Nicole figured out Kate was the silent partner and was predictably furious. Wouldn’t it be fun to see not only Nicole, Kate, and Theresa working together but perhaps Eve thrown into the mix as well. Her scenes with Kate were wonderful. These two characters have both been through so much. It was fantastic to see them bond over their shared traumatic pasts. It left me begging for more.

Finally, we get to Chad, Abigail, and Ben. All along I’ve waited for Ben to lose his temper with Abigail and have things get physical but that’s never happened. Perhaps that’s because he’s been taking out his aggression on the other poor women in Salem.

I really thought we’d seen Ben snap when he found Abby and Chad together in that hospital room…

All he has to do is pout and you break your word to me.


He’s not exactly wrong but it was Abby begging Ben to forgive her that had my head spinning. Does she really love him or Chad? Is this all about having Ben’s baby because she certainly can’t seem to stay away from Chad. It’s one of the more confusing love triangles I’ve witnessed.

What was up with Ben wanting Abby to leave Salem with him that night to prove she’s committed to their relationship? I suppose that Ben’s been on the run with Jordan too long because most people don’t pack up in the middle of the night and skip out on their lease and their job.

I loved Clyde’s response to Ben when he assured him that Abigail has chosen him and not Chad…

Well that's a smart choice since a future with him means about an hour a week in a conjugal trailer in the prison yard.


Lines like this are why I hope Clyde sticks around a little longer. Ben, I’d be happy to see leave Salem for good.

And since it appears that Ben’s our serial killer, perhaps I’ll get my wish. That is if Marlena figures out that Chad wasn’t the person strangling her. 

Your turn TV Fanatics! What was the most shocking reveal of the week…

Don't forget to check back in on Sunday to see what our Days of Our Lives round table team has to say about this week in Salem.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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