Days Of Our Lives Round Table: Did You Know Who the Killer Was?

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Paige’s father returned to Salem as some of his big secrets came out, the serial killer was revealed and Aiden was desperate to save his son this week on Days of Our Lives.

Our TV Fanatics Jack Ori and Christine Orlando are joined by Wendylou and Tinab from MyHourglass a Days of Our Lives fan forum to debate who was shocked that Ben is the killer, if they think Abigail will have her baby and who has the best friendship in Salem. 

Were you shocked to find out that Ben is the killer?

Wendylou: Not totally. I figured it was either him or Clyde. Clyde seemed much more obvious. I'm still not sure that Ben is THE killer or the only killer though.

Jack: Not really. Ben's been shown to have a bad temper and was already trying to control Abby. It was a short step from there to physical violence, and murder is definitely not out of reach for him.

Tinab: Not at all. He was becoming increasingly unstable every time he saw Abby with Chad.

Christine: Everything was pointing to Clyde which made me think it must be someone else. After that, Ben was the next logical choice. He’s proven to be controlling and insecure. I really thought he was going to be the center of a domestic violence story but having him be the killer isn’t a complete shock. 

Which duo has the best friendship in Salem?

Wendylou: Hmm. Interesting question. I enjoy Brady and Nicole's relationship a lot. I know they've been more in the past but their relationship has evolved into a nice friendship.

Jack: Most of the best friendships are off screen. My top 3 are Nicole/Rafe, Daniel/JJ and Theresa/Anne. I also like Jen/Hope and Nicole/Aiden. Of the on-screen friendships, lately I've been enjoying Maggie/Caroline and Kayla/Hope.

Tinab: They haven't been featured much lately but I like Teresa and Anne. Their snarky quips are fun to watch.

Christine: Hope and Rafe. I know there are hints of more than friendship but I’ve really enjoyed the way their work partnership as evolved into a real friendship where they both continually have each other’s backs. 

Does Eduardo have the right to help with the plans for Paige’s funeral?

Wendylou: It would be nice if Eve wanted to let him but if she doesn't, I think she has every right to tell him to buzz off. He abandoned them long ago.

Jack: This is a tough one. I feel that since he hasn't been in Paige's life for years, he really should be there as a mourner not as a co-planner. Yet he WAS Paige's father even if he's been gone for a while and Eve needs support whether she admits it or not.

Tinab: I don't think so. He walked away with no explanation and is trying yo return with no explanation...Unacceptable.

Christine: I think he forfeited the right to plan her funeral when he walked away when she was 10-year-old. I don’t think he has the right to stand at the front of the funeral with Eve when he abandoned her for almost a decade. 

What do you think Aiden is going to tell Hope?

Wendylou: That Stefano fired him and he owes some huge payment to someone - not a loan shark - and that he needs a loan from her.

Jack: I think Aiden is going to tell an abbreviated version of the truth: he has some gambling debts and a bad guy is after Chase because of it. If we're lucky he'll also tell her part of the Stefano connection without admitting he actually made the deal with Stefano.

Tinab: I think he will try to lie about something to get money.

Christine: I’m with Wendylou on this. I think he’ll ask Hope for money but I don’t think gambling or loan sharks will be a part of his explanation. 

Do you think Abby will end up having this baby?

Wendylou: No and I hope she doesn't. I'd rather see Chad and Abby have a love story on their own for a while before having a baby. That's too similar to what I think Brady and Theresa's storyline will be. I also think Abby's a bit too young. There are a lot of young parents on the show now already.

Jack: Sadly, I expect her to miscarry. That scene in the park was ominous, and Ben's abuse of her is only going to get worse.

Tinab: No... I think the stress of all of this she will miscarry.

Christine: I think that at some point, Ben will get violent with her and the pregnancy will end in a miscarriage. I really don’t think Abby is anywhere close to being ready to raise a child. She can barely make decisions for herself. 

Was their anything that disappointed you about this week’s Days of Our Lives?

Wendylou: The continuing lack of reactions to Paige's death by people who were close to her like Jennifer, Daniel and Abby.

Jack: Where is JJ? I feel cheated out of getting to see him grieve too, and on top of that he should have been involved in Abby and Jen's goodbye, not absent without explanation. Those scenes were written as if Jen only has one child until the very end where she prayed for both her kids.

Tinab: It was pretty exciting - no big disappointments.

Christine: I was disappointed that we didn’t get to see Theresa’s initial reaction to Paige’s death. I was looking forward to seeing what Jen Lilley could do with that kind of material. 

What was your favorite quote, scene or storyline from the week?

Wendylou: The killer reveal was good. I also enjoyed Eve and Kate's scenes together.

Jack: I loved Eve's conversations with Kate and Rafe. This is the side of Eve we've been waiting months to see.

Tinab: My favorite were the Patch and Kayla flashbacks. I was a big fan back then!! 

Christine: Eve! She was wonderful all week. Finally Kassie DePaiva is getting material she can sink her teeth into. Every conversation she had, whether it was with Kate, Eduardo, Rafe, or Justin, had me glued to the screen. 

If you missed any of the happenings in Salem, you can catch up with our Days of Our Lives recap and review right here at TV Fanatic. 

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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