Days of Our Lives Recap: Aiden Strangles Hope!

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Aiden broke out the neck tie and strangled Hope! Is Hope still alive but just unconscious? We certainly hope so.

We all knew there was no way Hope Williams Brady wasn’t going to put up one hell of a fight, however, I was truly hoping that she’d kill Aiden and save herself. Having Bo rush in to play the white knight is so cliche. 

There was so much leading up to the attempted murder scene. It was the kind of week where you didn’t want to miss an episode.

First we had Salem’s Bicentennial Gala and to be honest, as good as it was, I expected more. More flashbacks and more memories. I was a bit disappointed there were so few. 

The flashback I loved the most was with Tom and Alice Horton. I grew up watching them. They practically feel like surrogate grandparents so seeing them again on screen had me tearing up. 

Having the ladies look through the wedding photos was another highlight. Bo and Hope, Shane and Kim, Kayla and Steve and Jack and Jennifer (who were always my favorite), it was wonderful to even get that tiny glimpse of the epic weddings that the show has hosted over the years. We haven’t had anything like that in a long time. 

The retro ‘60s attire was spectacular. They all looked so gorgeous that it’s difficult to choose a favorite. Hope, Theresa and Nicole all made the top of my list.

A teenage Ciara looked stunning and her talk with Julie was one of my favorite scenes of the week. Julie was quite the bad girl back in her day and I enjoyed having her share those stories with Ciara. It was also wonderful to see the new actress playing Ciara hold her own with Susan Seaforth Hayes. That bodes well for the character's future on the show. 

Victor’s Greek tradition (made up or otherwise) proved to be an enlightening moment. JJ’s kiss on the cheek for Gabi was very sweet and is hopefully a sign of things to come. Ciara gave Theo a peck on the cheek and a half drunk Eric gave Jennifer a serious kiss. 

Where did that come from? I’m trying to figure out how I might feel about them as a couple but I’m completely unsure. I’m going to need to see more before I decide. 

Theresa and Brady were doing so well until they got home. When Brady freaked out because Theresa told him she loved him, I was proud of her for calling him out on his hypocrisy in this Days of Our Lives quote

I can't win with you. You get mad at me if I lie and then if I tell the truth, you're still mad at me.


I was thrilled when she walked out on him…but not for long.

Brady and Theresa hit the sheets once again, as though that’s worked so well for them in the past. I was really hoping these two would take things slowly but Brady’s an idiot and Theresa needs to grow some self respect. I can’t imagine this will go well for either of them and it made Victor’s earlier comment all the more true…

I know I shouldn't interfere. On your own you make such wonderful decisions.

Victor [to Brady]

Joey passed out while drinking a soda and Kayla's convinced he’s going drugs. Granted the test results showed he took something but why is she so unconcerned about what it was? I know that Joey has given her plenty of reason not to trust him but after all of her blustering over Caroline and Steve, it’s begun to feel as though Kayla won’t give anyone the benefit of the doubt. 

Abigail finally figured out that her fiance is a psychopath. I was so proud of her for undoing that door handle to get free, if only she’d worked a little faster. 

I can’t believe they left us hanging two whole days (and now an entire weekend) before seeing what happens next.

After weeks of torturous torture scenes, Bo made it back to Salem but what is up with that temper? Is it drug induced? Some sort of illness or just the dark side of Bo Brady? 

Finally we get back to Aiden trying to kill Hope. Maybe it’s the lights that have made him crazy because he seemed to be seeing the same strobing colored lights as Ben. (That’s my subtle way of saying enough with the goofy lighting effects.)

I truly felt Hope’s horror when she unmasked her attacker to find her new husband looking back at her. After all of that angst in trying to move on, now she finds out she’s married a murderer. 

I’m still rooting for Hope to get up and kill Aiden herself. Can’t wait to tune in Monday to see what happens next, but be sure to check back in on Sunday to see what our Days of Our Lives round table team has to say about this week in Salem.

So TV Fanatics, what do you think happens next? Will Hope survive?

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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