Code Black Season 2 Episode 12 Review: One in a Million

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I'm actually starting to feel bad fro Dr. Campbell.

He might be a bit of a jackass, but having to constantly ride herd on Rorish and Willis must be exhausting. On Code Black Season 2 Episode 12, Leanne actually appropriated a helicopter against his direct orders.

A friggin' HELICOPTER.

The Phone App - Code Black

Now, don't get me wrong. Leanne and Ethan are obviously great doctors and if I was a patient, I'd probably want one of those rule breakers on my case. But I don't even want to imagine the amount of BS paperwork that Campbell would have to deal with due to her *ahem* requisition, not to mention having to deal with the board.

The shenanigans of the cowboy attendings has me worried about more than my growing sympathy for the good looking doc who lack much personality beyond "god complex" though. 

I'm concerned about sustainability.

Ethan: Look, you're gonna have to cut it short. I was out on a ride along --
Leanne: Another ride along? You need a hobby.
Ethan: Pot, kettle.

Despite the addition of Dorian Grey Rob Lowe and the move to show more action outside the ER, Code Black is hemorrhaging viewers.

There are a few problems with trying to constantly increase the "drama" through exploits like helicopter crashes and surgery on submarines, not the least of which is production costs.

For me, the biggest issue is that when a show starts focusing so much on topping previous stunts in an effort to draw viewers in, it loses sight of what it's real strengths are.

Big Brother ain't got nothing on Big Mama. I got my network of spy nurses all over.


While I was watching "One in a Million," I kept thinking about that old Coco Chanel quote. "Before you leave the house, take one thing off." 

I would love to see the Code Black team take a similar approach. Having so many good storylines that they crowd each other is a not a problem that is unique to this episode. Creative plots and empathetic writing are not what ails the show. But an embarrassment of riches is still, well, an embarrassment.

And focusing on fewer patients per episode would allow those stories to resonate with what's going on with the doctors. For example, if the bullying story had been fleshed out more, it could worked as a great mirror for Mario's behavior with Angus, or for Campbell's leadership style.

Everything Ihave ever gotten in my life, I've had to fight for. You never fought for anything.

Mario [to Angus]

Few patients to divert our attention would also allow more time and focus to be given to the relationships between the doctors. When you, my dear readers, share your thoughts in our comments section, you really seem to appreciate the dynamics between Leanne and Jesse, or Rollie's mentorship of Angus.

The characters themselves are the most undervalued asset Code Black has. They've been killed off, fired, and vanished into thin air. We haven't heard from Malaya in so long I'm wondering if she'll ever be back from suspension, and Heather just seems to come and go.

At least there's a regular nurse now, even if we don't know anything about her other than her name.

Jesse: I can't believe you hijacked a helicopter today.
Leanne: Please, I've seen you hijack an ambulance for a taco.
Jesse: You came with me, remember?

We can only wait and see if network execs and producers decide to continue down this path or if a course adjustment is once again executed. A lot will depend on the ratings for the back half of the season. It's hard to believe that CBS will hand out a third chance if things don't start going better though.

Guthrie's new position may be a good indicator that change is on the way however. He'll take up the mantle vestment on Code Black Season 2 Episode 12 and step into the role of hospital chaplain. It's a logical fit, although I'm curious what his official credentials for the position are.

You can catch up on Rollie's battle with Parkinson's by watching Code Black online. You'll want to be up to date on this ongoing arc before he makes his decision about the deep brain stimulation therapy.

Join the conversation in the comments section below. We'd love to hear your thoughts on "One in a Million" and on where the season stands so far. What changes would you make?

One in a Million Review

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Elizabeth Harlow was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She left the organization in October 2018.

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Code Black Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Ethan: Look, you're gonna have to cut it short. I was out on a ride along --
Leanne: Another ride along? You need a hobby.
Ethan: Pot, kettle.

Everything Ihave ever gotten in my life, I've had to fight for. You never fought for anything.

Mario [to Angus]