Game of Thrones: 13 Best Episodes... RANKED!

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Game of Thrones is coming to an end. 

There are just a handful of episodes remaining. 

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As such, it's time to take a look back at the best episodes of the series. 

We've rounded up our top 13 episodes of the entire series. 

Scroll down to find out. 

Remember you can watch Game of Thrones online right here via TV Fanatic. 

Game of Thrones airs Sundays on HBO.

1. Season 8 Episode 3 - The Long Night

The battle we've waited eight seasons for had some wild moments. There was death and even a last-minute twist that shocked fans across the globe.

2. Season 6 Episode 5 - The Door

Hodor saved Bran and Meera from certain death, and we got the reveal about Bran being linked all the way back to Hodor's younger days. It was a delightful episode.

3. Season 5 Episode 8 - Hardhome

The Wildlings and The Night’s Watch against the Night Knight and his army of the dead, and it showed viewers just how menacing the walkers and the wights could be. We also found out that Jon's Valyrian steel sword could kill White Walkers.

4. Season 6 Episode 9 - Battle of the Bastards

The Battle of the Bastards was a crazy episode. With the odds swiftly turned against Jon, Sansa and Littlefinger appeared with an army, and the war was over. But poor Rickon died just before the battle, and then Sansa fed Ramsay to his dogs.

5. Season 7 Episode 4 - The Spoils of War

Daenerys took Drogon to battle against the Lannister army. Watching a fire breathing dragon incinerate the Lannister army was fun and all, but did we really need Jaime plunging into the water as a cliffhanger?

6. Season 2 Episode 9 - Blackwater

The battle of Blackwater was the culmination of a string of compelling storylines. Tyrion stepped up to the challenge when Joffrey and The Hound whimpered, but he did not get any recognition for it because the Tyrells appeared to save the day.

7. Season 4 Episode 8 - The Mountain and the Viper

Just when there appeared to be some calm, Oberyn Martell represented Tyrion and fought The Mountain. Unfortunately, The Hound's brother got the upper hand. It gave the series one of its most jarring visuals, with Ellaria screaming in shock and anger at the death of her man.

8. Season 7 Episode 6 - Beyond The Wall

Jon took his men beyond the wall to find a wight. Once there, they were outnumbered and a raven was sent to Daenerys. She appeared with all three dragons, but one of them was killed by an ice-infused spear. The Night King revived him as one of his own, and we're still trying to process it.

9. Season 6 Episode 10 - The Winds of the Winter

Cersei's plan to blow up a bunch of her enemies was executed without a hitch, and then Tommen commits suicide. On top of that, Arya finally got her revenge on Walder Frey. What was there not to like about the installment?

10. Season 3 Episode 9 - The Rains of Castamere

Three characters were killed off brutally, and it proved the show was prepared to take risks to shock viewers.

11. Season 5 Episode 9 - Dance of the Dragons

Daenerys was forced to flee the scene when things got deadly for her. Oh, and we can't forget Stannis sacrificing Shireen's life in his quest for power.

12. Season 4 Episode 10 - The Children

Tyrion killed Tywin and Shae, Brienne and The Hound went to war for Arya, Daenerys was forced to chain up her dragons and Bran met the Children of the Forest. It was packed full of goodness.

13. Season 4 Episode 9 - The Watchers On The Wall

The battle episodes are generally the best. The Wildlings attacking the wall was crazy! There was death and great fight scenes that looked like they were taken from a summer blockbuster.

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