4400 Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Empowered Women Empower Women

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Why settle for one romantic interlude when you can have three?

On 4400 Season 1 Episode 7, Claudette's past came into sharp focus, proving that the green light that took her through time may have been the best thing that could have happened to her.

The characters all made strong choices here, leading to some satisfying and intriguing developments.

Luminous Claudette - tall - 4400 Season 1 Episode 7

True to the title of the episode, Claudette went on empowering journey.

Claudette is realizing that she was a woman "ahead of her time" and that it was a gift getting to flash forward to a future where she would be supported and not held back. 

It's clear now why she has been so wary of the Reverend -- religious men have not been kind to her in the past. Her husband Jimmy only held her back and potentially stifled the real progress they could have made.

Claudette is relishing her independence and freedom, as well as instilling confidence and power in her allies. It's great to see her rising up and realizing her potential.

LaDonna & Shanice - 4400 Season 1 Episode 7

Khailah Johnson also had a standout episode as LaDonna.

We got to peer behind her supposedly shallow veneer and see the inner conflict of her desire for love and acceptance. Returning to her mother is a terrible option compared to staying with the family she has created with the 4400.

I've known these people for, like, half a season of television.


But her father is a different story. Choosing between her "true friends" and the presumably estranged father is much tougher and causes her more than little turmoil.

Johnson's delivery of LaDonna's sassy zingers has always been on point, but seeing the tears behind her laughter gave LaDonna some real dimension. Her struggle to put on a brave face, considering what she might have to give up, was heartfelt. 

Shanice - 4400 Season 1 Episode 7

Andre's powers are a very interesting addition to the proceedings. He and Claudette could be an amazing duo -- he can heal, and she can take on injury and heal herself from it. It's a bit of a two-step process, but the ramifications are monumental.

Early on in the season, more attention was focused on quarantine measures and COVID protocols (since this is taking place in our world of 2021). So, when Andre appeared ill and feverish, it seemed like this would end up being a much bigger deal in that regard.

However, Andre is sick only when he is "holding" or "incubating" whatever damage he has taken from the injured. Is it possible the good doctor could actually use his powers to heal the sick? Will they potentially use him for COVID treatment?

I took an oath to heal, not harm.


Andre's power is more complicated than we've seen from the other 44400, and it requires some serious strategy and caution if he is going to use it to its full potential.

Jharrel stands back - 4400 Season 1 Episode 7

We had not one but three romantic subplots to enjoy! 

Worry about your own love life. Oh, that's right, you don't got one.


Jharrel kept just "showing up" and "checking in" on Claudette that she read the signals and finally made a move on him.

Jharrel has done so much for her, more than he's done for any of the other 4400. Now that Claudette is no longer encumbered by her horrible husband, she's free to truly enjoy the privileges of being a 21st-century woman. 

It will be interesting to see how this relationship progresses and how "modern" Claudette feels she can be. 

Jharrel at the bar - 4400 Season 1 Episode 7

As predicted, Keisha and Jessica are no more. There are a few reasons why this relationship was doomed -- with Jessica working on the other side, she's more Agent Tanner now than she is Keisha's girlfriend.

Jessica is working on something morally questionable, and Keisha recognizes the 4400 as real people, not just subjects to be experimented on.

Jessica does have a point in that Keisha is more invested in the 4400 than she is in her, but sometimes one person has to take a step back when human rights are being violated. There is such danger in seeing some people as "less than human."

This sentiment was echoed in Claudette's plotline with Barney as well. The parallels between the 4400 and marginalized people throughout history are not subtle, but that's not what we're here for. It's about making a point that no matter how people are mistreated and dehumanized, it's not right, full stop. 

Keisha - 4400 Season 1 Episode 7

Once Keisha and Jessica broke up, Soraya swooped in. Soraya has never been subtle about her feelings for Keisha, so it was nice to see this finally manifest. Also great was how they managed to fit in a conversation about consent while still maintaining the hot-and-heaviness of a passionate encounter. 

Soraya's in this for keeps, but will Keisha be on board for a relationship? At least they both are on the same page when it comes to protecting and helping the 4400.

It seems like Andre and Shanice finally figured some things out as well. Andre is just trying to be a modern man, to give Shanice the space she needs, but he just wants to be loyal.

Happily, it feels like Shanice is in agreement, and they finally understand one another's romantic motivations. The only question is if Andre ever thinks of his lost love Cynthia or if he's already reconciled with the fact that she is long dead.

The Rev & Ji-Eun - 4400 Season 1 Episode 7

The Reverend is getting chummy with "Brother" Bill Green now, and the contracts are worrisome. What could the Reverend be getting out of this partnership? Special treatment or immunity from potential future experiments/incarceration? So far, the Reverend has not shown signs of any powers of his own yet.

The dangers of conservatorship have been a hot-button issue of late, so it's clear that this doesn't bode well for any of the 4400 who have signed these contracts. 

It's worth noting that this episode had such a richly textured color palette and beautiful, deliberate cinematography all around. The scenes in the bar were so deep and vibrant, contrasting with the dull greyness of the hotel.

As well as some lovely, muted pastels for the 1950s, there was the red overtone of Claudette's darkroom, where she had several encounters with her seething husband, Jimmy, which highlighted the violent nature of his control over her.

Confrontation - 4400 Season 1 Episode 7

This episode addresses both the positives and the negatives that the 4400 are currently facing.

On one hand, they are human beings who just want normal lives. Some have had much taken from them, and some now have the potential to achieve the greatness that had previously been out of reach.

However, there will always be people -- and institutions -- who seek to dehumanize those who are different.

Some are saying that your kind may not even be human.


What did you think of this episode? Did you appreciate the glimpse into Claudette's past? Which romantic pair has the most staying power?

Share your thoughts in the comments!

Empowered Women Empower Women Review

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Mary Littlejohn Mary Littlejohn was a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic.

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4400 Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

I've known these people for, like, half a season of television.


Worry about your own love life. Oh, that's right, you don't got one.
