Bel-Air Season 2 Premiere Review: Black Teachers Matter

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Bel-Air returns for another dramatic season, picking up right where it left off.

At its core, Bel-Air is a story about real issues by real people. Its highly charming protagonist it is why we have been craving more of it.

The premiere wastes no time introducing new storylines while keeping abreast with existing ones without making it feel like a trip to the past.

L - Will and Jazz - Bel-Air

After a blowout with his uncle on the season one finale, Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 1 found Will crashing at a friend's place while still hustling and chasing his basketball dreams.

He never lets the swag escape for a moment, even while squatting.

Carlton and Will - Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 1

It was not as flowery as he wanted because Jazz was tired of having him on his couch. Jazz is too young to be concerned with a teenager's life, and a man who is used to having his space to himself feels like they have lost their freedom when suddenly someone is living in their space.

Jazz: No, all jokes aside, man, really glad you decided to go. And you can finally square things up with your uncle.
Will: If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of me.
Jazz: Get rid of you? Why would I do that? I mean, you know, I wouldn't mind having my... My couch back, you know, my bathroom...

While it is noble to be there for your friends, one has to know their limits, and Jazz had reached his limit when Will started coming home late. Even though Jazz tried to press on, he didn't have the experience to instill a sense of responsibility into Will.

Living with Jazz gave Will too much freedom, and who knows what he had been up to? He explained that he was making money participating in little basketball tournaments, which could be more believable.

And even if it is, it is a gateway to other unlawful things. With parental supervision, he was in a better position.

Look, not every dollar in my pocket has to come from Uncle Phil. Now, go buy yourself something nice.


Will and Carlton - Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 1

His relationship with Carlton improved significantly when he was out of the Banks' house. The initial competition that marked the beginning of their relationship was less prevalent. The case is debatable whether that will remain because, with his return, we saw him getting all up into Carlton's territory again.

Carlton: We could be, like, the kings of Bel-Air. Plus, I hate to say it, but hanging out with you makes me kind of cool
Will: Oh, got you. So you want to be cool by association? Like, second-hand cool? Like, cool once removed?
Carlton: I'm already regretting it.

But they seemed to function well together as allies. Will gassed Carlton up when he had confidence issues and even when he was ganged up on in the BSU meeting.

On the other hand, Carlton offered an ear to Will's rants and offered sound advice without making Will feel like an idiot.

The world of social media is cutthroat, and many social media stars we know have had nasty public falling outs. When Hilary decided to leave one toxic house, she didn't expect to find herself in another. She became entangled with a total narcissist with an awful work ethic.

Ivy - Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 1

Ivy wanted to dominate every aspect of the house without doing any real work.

Aunt Viv was still trying to break into the art scene, but Reed's reach was too far. She had spent most of her life procrastinating her dream, and now that she could go for it, someone was holding it hostage.

It is always frustrating when someone feels they are not controlling their destiny.

Ashley's hunger for learning more about her community and society was so strong that a teacher noticed.

Ashley - Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 1

Now, all students are different. Some learn faster than others and are ahead of other students.

Rigid school curriculums only cuts it for some but not those who want to learn more.

It's my understanding that American school curriculum is also notorious for censoring minority voices and those with whom they disagree. Book banning is a huge American problem, and it seems to be catching on to the rest of the world.

When a student finds a little piece of writing that speaks to her, and she feels seen, it is only natural that she will seek more of it.

Miss Hughes: I know how much you liked reading about the Black Panther party. This author, Robyn Spencer, she talks more about the role Black women played in it.
Ashley: Nice. Can't wait to read it.
Miss Hughes: And you know I'll give you extra credit if you write me a two-page summary on your thoughts.
Ashley: Thanks, Ms. Hughes. You know, I wish all my teachers were like you.
Miss Hughes: And I wish more of my students had curious minds like yours.

Mrs. Hughes - Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 1

I am a massive supporter of exposing young minds to various sources of information as long as it is not too graphic for their age.

It was a waste of energy for the school to go out of its way to reprimand Miss Hughes for giving Ashley books that were not in the curriculum. No one deemed the books inappropriate for her age.

It all stemmed from the jealousy of one student.

'A Fresh Start' saw many characters return to spaces they had not been in for a while.

Carlton and Will - Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 1

Carlton returned to BSU, and they were less than enthusiastic about his return.

Phillip returned to his former law firm and discovered they had moved on without him.

Will made up with his uncle at Ashley's birthday party and returned home.

Will also revisited his dream of becoming a basketball star and started looking for a coach to elevate him to where he needed to go.

Will - Bel-Air

He broke up with Lisa and also met someone new.

This new coach was not to be trusted because he had initially declined to represent Will until he saw to whom Will was related.

What did you think of the premiere?

A Fresh Start Review

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Denis Kimathi was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He has watched more dramas and comedies than he cares to remember. Catch him on social media obsessing over [excellent] past, current, and upcoming shows or going off about the politics of representation on TV. Follow him on X.

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Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Jazz: No, all jokes aside, man, really glad you decided to go. And you can finally square things up with your uncle.
Will: If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of me.
Jazz: Get rid of you? Why would I do that? I mean, you know, I wouldn't mind having my... My couch back, you know, my bathroom...

Look, not every dollar in my pocket has to come from Uncle Phil. Now, go buy yourself something nice.
