Connie's niece, Lizzie, initially moves to Virgin River because she was giving her parents a hard time, but she eventually settles in and becomes an invaluable ray of light to many in the community, namely Doc, Hope, Connie, and others.

She fell in love with Ricky, but has found new love with Doc's grandson, Denny.

Lizzie Quotes

Hope: It might not be my place, but if you want to talk about Denny...
Lizzie: Do you want to do Sudoku?
Hope: Fair enough.

Denny: If I'm being honest, I like you a lot. And the last thing I ever want to do is to hurt you. When I came here looking for Doc, I didn't expect to find someone like you, so at the very least, I'd like for us to still be friends. Lizzie: Stop.
Denny: Um, are you sure? Because, um, I told you I don't have a future.
Lizzie: So, I thought about that, and I realized that I don't care about any of it. I like you too a lot, so can we just focus on that right now?

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Virgin River Quotes

Doc: I don’t need spice. I want to walk down the street and be able to hold your hand.
Hope: Yeah, I hate all that “coupley” crap.

Whenever things got rough my instinct was to head home because that’s where I felt safe. But I realized that the idea of home doesn’t really exist for me anymore, because you were my home.

Mel [to Mark]