Nynaeve al'Meara is a healer the youngest Wisdom the Two Rivers has seen. She ends up on a journey with Moiraine who is in search of the Dragon Reborn. <p><p>
Nynaeve al'Meara is played by actress Zoë Robins.<p>

Nynaeve al'Meara Quotes

Liandrin: To be perfectly blunt, you've proven to be quite the disappointment. You're wasting your time with swords, its beneath you.
Nynaeve: The warders have taught me more in the last five months than all of your sisters combined.

Egwene: Being a novice is a right of passage. Every single Aes Sedai has done it, even the Amyrlin. It builds character.
Nynaeve: I have enough character.

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The Wheel of Time Quotes

Rand: We can't just leave.
Moiraine: They're after you. They will follow you! And if you stay here, this is where they'll come. They will leave nothing and no one standing and I can't do anything to stop them. Our only chance is to reach the White Tower.

The Dragon has been born again, and it's one of you.
