Yennefer of Vengerberg was born with visible physical deformities and the ability to call upon Chaos to protect herself from an abusive stepfather.

Tissaia de Vries takes her to Aretuza where Yennefer proves herself a powerful mage novice. Once made a full mage, she is unhappy with her assignment to Nilfgaard and undergoes a magical transformation to secure a position at a more lucrative court.

In her travels, she encounters Geralt of Rivia and a djinn which results in a spell being cast that ties her fate to Geralt's for the rest of their lives whether they like it or not.

Eventually, she and Geralt become adoptive parents to Ciri.

Yennefer of Vengerberg Quotes

Geralt: We didn’t come this far just to abandon each other.
Yennefer: Then don’t abandon me. I have to do this.

She’ll only master her power if she masters herself.

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The Witcher Quotes

I think there's something wrong with me. Everywhere I go, people die. Sometimes, I feel like I could burn the whole world. I wouldn't mean to. It just makes me feel so afraid. All the time.


Fear is an illness. If you catch it and you leave it untreated, it can consume you.
