Final Words

George, Alex, Meredith, Cristina and Izzie pay their respects to Really Old Guy after he passes away in this mock vigil. It was put together by Izzie because he didn't really have any family or friends left. She's nice.

Who's the Boss Here?

Alex Karev, not his intern Norman. This comes as a source of conflict for Karev, who's not used to bossing around elders.

Alex and Meredith

Meredith smiles. Alex is clearly amused as well. One of the few lighter moments from "Let the Truth Sting."

Residents Square Off

Alex and Miranda talk about the latest case. Karev is taking on a bigger and bigger role of late.

Another Medical Mystery

They just keep coming to Seattle Grace Hospital, and Alex Karev seems to be in the middle of a lot of them.

Karev is All Over it

Alex Karev is a big resident at Seattle Grace now, and he has not hesitated to make his presence felt. It will be interesting to see this guy develop this season.

Buttin' Heads

Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) gives Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) his trademark disgruntled stare. Will these residents clash in "Let the Truth Sting" ?

Who's the Boss

Miranda Bailey is in charge, even if her title doesn't say she's Chief Resident. Alex Karev knows it too.

Karev's Boss

Unfortunately, for him, Alex Karev that is, Callie Torres is calling the shots. You would never have guessed it but he finds himself missing Dr. Bailey.

Residents Consult

Alex and Callie talk to their patient, unaware that he is about to eat everything in sight. But what are you gonna do.

Bailey Bosses Karev

Miranda tells Alex Karev who's boss around here. As if there were any doubt about that since his first days as an intern!

Good Friends on GA

Izzie and Alex used to be an item, but now they're just good friends. It's nice to see for fans of both characters.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
