Cameron and Mitchell Adopt

Cameron and Mitchell adopt a baby girl from Vietnam in the series premiere of Modern Family. They definitely put the modern in the show.
Rating: 3.7 / 5.0

Cam and Mitchell

Cam and Mitchell are a stable couple on Modern Family. Many viewers want to see these two kiss, however.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Their Competitive Side

Cameron and Mitchell indulge in their competitive side during Lily's gymnastic event on Modern Family. "Games People Play" is the 23rd episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Mitchell & Cameron's New Roommate

Mitchell and Cameron wonder why Dylan is now living with them on Modern Family. "Heart Broken" is the 15th episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Unwanted Hug

Cameron doesn't seem to be enjoying this hug, does he? The scene is from the 2/9/11 episode of Modern Family.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

The House Flipping Scheme

Cameron and Claire try to convince Phil and Mitchell to buy into their house flipping plan on Modern Family. "Diamond In The Rough" is the tenth episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: 1.0 / 5.0

Cameron with a Bride

No, Cameron isn't getting hitched in this scene from Modern Family. But he is giving his gardener a hand in the episode "Not In My House."
Rating: Unrated

Close, Unusual Family

The gang is almost all here. Jay, Gloria, Mitchell and Cameron hang out.
Rating: Unrated

Problems at Home

On the episode "Not In My House, Cameron gets involved in the woes of his gardener. He and Mitchell deal with that situation here.
Rating: Unrated

Mitchell and Cameron Hold Lily

Mitchell and Cameron hold Lily as they take her to the doctor's office, extremely nervous after bumping her head.
Rating: Unrated

Cam & Mitch Are Best Men

Cameron and Mitchell are the best men at a good friend's wedding on Modern Family. "Best Men" is the 17th episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: Unrated

Jay Down!

He's hurt! He's hurt! Jay's back gives out in this scene from Modern Family.
Rating: Unrated