Claire Warns Daniel

Claire warns her son not to get involved with Connor's fiancee. She knows a thing or two about affairs.

Claire Wipes Some Smudge Off Daniel

Claire wipes a little smudge off her baby boy Daniel's face. She knows he has a new little crush and is definitely embarrassing him.

Daniel and His Mother Talk Crushes

Daniel and Claire discuss Daniel's latest crush that Daniel quickly denies. However, we all definitely saw it was Connor's fiancee, Molly!

Wilhelmina and Daniel Plot

Wilhelmina and Daniel come up with a plan to use the controversy of the Tornado to help sell the latest issue of Mode magazine.

Daniel and Luke Carnes

Daniel tells Atlantic Attire owner, Luke Carnes (James Van Der Beek) that Mode does not need his bigotry and account if he's uncomfortable with his sister Alexis running mode.

Daniel and Wilhelmina

The evil Wilhelmina is scheming to destroy Mode and rebuild a Meade fashion magazine as Slater. She tricks Daniel into dropping the Atlantic Attire account.

Alexis' Boobs

Alexis sits down with Wilhemina as her boobs hang free with no bra. It's unfortunate Alexis learns to be a woman and cover those things up.

Betty Visits Daniel

Betty goes to visit Daniel in the hospital after his car accident. Daniel is about to get released after spending three weeks in there.

Daniel Hurts Crippled Daniel

While attempting to dig a hole to bury her memories of Henry, Betty manages to drop the shovel on the poor injured Daniel. Want some salt to throw in his wounds too?

Betty Buries Her Problems

Betty attempts to bury her memories of Henry. Here she is taking off her crown that Henry gave her at The Middle Ages.

Daniel Visits Comatose Alexis

Daniel finally builds up the courage to visit his sister Alexis who's in a coma. It takes him forever because he feels guilty he was the reason they were in the car.

Daniel and the Girl Scouts

When Daniel claims he got his shiner from rescuing a drowning girl scout, Alexis and Betty see a great photo op for their new hero.

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.