Tricky Matter

Derek Shepherd experiences more difficult responsibilities as Chief in "How Insensitive." The May 6, 2010 episode of Grey's Anatomy is shaping up to be a good one.

A Tough Situation

Derek must handle another tough situation in the May 6, 2010 episode of Grey's Anatomy. How will our new chief perform under pressure?

Chief Der Pic

Derek finds life as chief increasingly difficult these days, not that we should be too surprised. He'll come through with flying colors, however. That we are sure of.

All SG Hands Are on Deck

It's a big time surgery and that calls for big time attention from the Seattle Grace docs. Fortunately they are up to the challenge.


Derek is now Chief of Surgery. How do we actually feel about that?


Richard and Derek both want the same job. One has to prove himself before he can get it back, however.

Friends and Rivals

Derek and Richard in "Perfect Little Accident." Will they be on the same team this week?

Der and Richard

Derek and Richard join forces on a case in "Perfect Little Accident." What will the outcome be?

The Interim Chief

Derek is the Interim Chief of Surgery at Seattle Grace-Mercy West. That's not a job he's always psyched about, but he's doing great.

Richard and Der

Richard and Derek in another difficult situation. Will these two ever be back on good terms?

D-Shep Picture

Derek in action in the February 11, 2010 episode of Grey's Anatomy. The ominous episode title? "Valentine's Day Massacre."

New Chief of Surgery

Derek is the new Chief of Surgery. At least until Richard pulls his life back together. Here's Der in action.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
