Rhonda, Sarah and Heather

Poor Rhonda just wants to fit in somewhere. Here's a picture of her with Sarah and Heather in the Big Love episode, "Vision Thing."

Rhonda Leans on Barb

After blackmailing her way into staying at the Henricksons, Rhonda leans on Barb for a little support in the Big Love episode, "Rock and a Hard Place."

Roman and his Wives

A picture of Roman and just some of his many wives, including new comer Rhonda, at his family reunion at the Juniper Creek compound.

An Angry Rhonda

Poor Rhonda was using the drama competition as an excuse to stay off the compound and she seems pretty upset to have to go back in "The Ceremony."

Young Rhonda

Poor, young Rhonda gets to finally experience life outside the compound and is very jealous of the teenage life Sarah and Heather get to live in "Where There's a Will."

Daveigh Chase as Rhonda Volmer

Daveigh Chase plays Rhonda Volmer on HBO's Big Love. Rhonda was Roman's youngest bride-in-waiting until she ran away from Juniper Creek.

Big Love Quotes

Sarah: Why can't we just hire a babysitter like everyone else?
Barb: Because we're not everyone else

Margene: Does that mean you miss me more?
Bill: Officially... I miss you guys all the same.