A Romantic Moment - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

We hope to see a whole lot more of these two sharing kisses and other intimate moments now that Rick and Kate are husband and wife.

The Happy Couple - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

There's nothing better than seeing our favorite happily married couple having a romantic moment.

Thrilled With Her Catch - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

Kate looks thrilled with her catch but she really didn't need a lasso to catch Castle.

Rick Looks Confused - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

Why does Rick look so confused about having his gorgeous wife tie him up in knots?

A Ruggedly Handsome Husband - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

And it appears she roped herself one ruggedly handsome husband in mystery novelist Richard Castle.

Is It Real? - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

If this is an undercover case, is that a real gun Kate Beckett's packing. She makes a great gunslinger.

Swinging Doors - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

You'd think Rick would be thrilled to be in the wild west yet it turns out he can barely make it through the swinging doors.

Who Knew? - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

Who knew that Kate Beckett could look even more bad ass in a corset? Maybe it's the black hat.

The Wild West - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

Rick Castle and Kate Beckett are on the case at a Wild West resort to uncover a killer in Castle Season 7 Episode 7.

Things Are Looking Better - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Things are looking up now that Rick and Kate are in one another's arms. It will get even better when we get to attend their wedding!

Making Breakfast - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Kate and Rick are at the loft making breakfast. Does this mean things are back to normal?

Castle's Crazy Story Season 7 Episode 6

Will Martha and Alexis buy into Rick's crazy story? Will they be able to help him get back to the world where he and Kate are a couple?

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
