Spencer's Clean

Spencer's off the pills and Dean (Nathaniel Buzolic) is in town to help her get or stay sober. Jogging and sweating helps.

Spencer on the Run

Might Spencer be running away from her problems? This is a photo from the PLL episode "Cover for Me."

Caring for Aria

Emily, Hanna and Spencer show concern for their friend as she struggles to piece together the evidence Ezra tying him to Ali and A.

Digging In or Digging Out?

Are the girls going to dig into the evidence with Aria or help get her out of the room and back to sanity?

Reinforcements Arrive

Reinforcements arrive to help Aria go through all of the evidence stacked up against Ezra. Can her friends help?

Rain Pours on the Car

Toby and Spencer are featured in the car ride on "Shadow Play."

Spencer in Fur

All wrapped up in fur, it's Spencer's turn to be in the spotlight during their tense drive in "Shadow Play."

Hanna and Emily Look Stunned

What is Spencer telling Emily and Hanna that has so captured their attention? It must be something about Ezra!

Three Friends

Emily, Hanna and Spencer look beautiful and would fit well in the 1940s.

Hanna in Reflection

Spencer finally sees her friends in "Shadow Play" when Emily and Hanna stop by. Does she have news for them about Ezra?

Spencer Leans

Spencer leans against a vanity so we can take in the back of her suit. The details are amazing!

Time for a Cocktail

A cocktail after a difficult phone call hits the spot for Spencer in "Shadow Play."

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
