Mason vs. Stefan

Mason tried to make nice with the Salvatore brother. But he's lost patience with these vampires.
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Masquerade Balling

That's not Elena with Stefan. It's Katherine, as she accompanies her old crush to a masquerade ball.
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The Salvatore Siblings

What could be on the minds of Stefan and Damon here? Our best guess: the death of Katherine.
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A Dance with Katherine

Don't be fooled, folks. Stefan isn't dancing with Elena here. That's Katherine.
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Ready for Battle

The men are ready to take down Katherine on the episode "Masquerade." They look ready for battle, don't they?
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Brotherly Road Trip

Damon and Stefan don't always get along so well. They argue here, in a scene from the episode "Rose."
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Siblings on a Mission

Stefan and Damon to the rescue? They set out to bring Elena home on the episode titled "Rose."
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Coffee Break for Stefan

Looking very cute, Stefan. This Salvatore brother is talking to Caroline (not pictured) in this scene.
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Steamed Stefan

Stefan does NOT look pleased in this photo, does he? Not one bit. Not at all.
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Brothers Look On

Damon and Stefan look on in this scene from The Vampire Diaries. It's a shot from the episode "The Sacrifice."
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Handing Over a Photo

Why is Stefan handing Bonnie a photo of Katherine? Tune in for the episode "The Sacrifice" and find out.
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Damon and Stefan Talk

It looks like Damon and Stefan are discussing some sort of book in the pilot from the Vampire Diaries. Perhaps it's a diary. Going out on a limb here.
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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...


Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Starr. Action News.
Alaric: It's not called Action News.
Damon: I know. I like just saying it.