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Vampire Diaries is a television show on the CW based on the popular Young Adult horror novels by L.J. Smith.  Vampire Diaries is about a popular high school girl, Elena (Nina Dobrey), that is caught in a love triangle between two vampire brothers, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley).

If it sounds too much like Twilight to you, don't forget the Vampire Diaries books came out first!

By Justin Carreiro

From murders to mayhem, TV horror shows serve up a bevy of great death scenes. We’ve picked out some that left us feeling super satisfied to watch. Check it out!

By Whitney Evans

It’s spooky season, which means it’s time to find all the scary shows! Check out this list of some of the best vampire shows worth binging this fall!

By Whitney Evans

It’s been 14 years since The Vampire Diaries premiered on The CW, and we’re taking a look back at that unforgettable premiere. Come check it out!