Wilhelmina in Church

After a strange turn of events, Wilhelmina, who was supposed to be picking up baby Chutney and parents is now stuck in a Church in the ghetto.

Wilhelmina, Marc and Hookers

Wilhelmina and Marc end up in the wrong side of town and nearly get into a knife fight with a couple of street walkers.

Marc Comes to Wilhelmina

Marc comes to Wilhelmina with a new collection of potential escorts for Wilhelmina to take instead of her boy toy, Jason.

Wilhelmina is No Size 2

No matter how hard Christina tries to squeeze Wilhelmina into a size 2 it's not gonna happen. Cover your ears!

Christina Fitting Wilhelmina

Christina is trying to fit Wilhelmina into her size 2 dress. Looks like someone put on a little weight.

Wilhelmina, Daniel and Vince

Wilhelmina and Daniel must team up with photographer Vince Bianchi to come up with a new photo shoot after their holiday spread idea is stolen by Isabella!

Wilhelmina on the Phone

Wilhelmina goes to call her partner in crime / mastermind the bandaged woman. They somehow got Fey's music box and are using it to drive Bradford and Daniel further apart.

Marc Kissing up to Wilhelmina

As Marc is doing his best to massage Wilhelmina's feet and kiss up, she reminds him she has five other foot sycophants waiting to replace him on speed dial.

Wilhelmina and Daniel Team Up

Wilhelmina and Daniel are stuck teaming up until they figure out who leaked the holiday spread and have a new one to replace it. Awkward.

Wilhelmina's Makeover

Betty isn't the only one getting a makeover! Wilhelmina gets all dolled up to try and impress the senator. We must say, her makeover looks a little better than Betty's.

Wilhelmina and the Senator

The senator finally arrives to his Wilhelmina. Turns out this mystery man was her father and the man she spends her life always trying to impress... yet falls short.

Daniel Pitches New Ideas

Daniel pitches some new ideas while a done-up Betty stands by. Too bad Wilhelmina is comes up to show why change isn't always good. Just look at Betty.

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.