Jamie and Callie celebrate their engagement when Jamie's mother throws a big party, bringing everyone together.

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Disney/Troy Harvey (Freeform)
Good Trouble
Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 18: "All These Engagements"
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Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 18 Quotes

Callie: I just don't want to be needy.
Jamie: Callie, if there is one thing you will never be, it's needy. You are so independent sometimes I wish you needed me a bit more. Out of all my friends, you are by far my best friend. You're the one I want to hang out with the most.

Diane: I want to clarify something, Callie. I do like you. I'm just scared, I guess of losing my son. Sons tend to gravitate more towards their wives' families, and it's clear that you're not a big fan of mine, so I'm just worried that your feelings towards me are going to pull Jamie in further away.
Callie: You raised Jamie to be such an amazing man. I respect you for that. I would never ever try to spoil his relationship with you or take him away. I promise.