Prepping for UC Work - How She Caught A Killer

Linda Murphy is prepared to go undercover as a sex worker in hopes of catching a serial killer targeting them.

David Goodman

Eric Keenleyside stars as Detective David Goodman, Linda Murphy's boss, on How She Caught A Killer on Lifetime.

Posing as A Sex Worker - How She Caught a Killer

Sarah Drew stars as Linda Murphy a woman who is a rookie on a new force who goes undercover to catch a killer.

Sarah Drew as Linda Murphy

Sarah Drew stars as Linda Murphy in the Lifetime true crime film How She Caught a Killer about a rookie detective.

Shelly - How She Caught A Killer

Shelly is someone whom Linda Murphys speaks to on the street while trying to catch a serial killer.

Aunt Charlotte - Midnight Whispers

Bronwen-Smith stars as Aunt Charlotte when Christie heads to the Meadows for answers on Midnight Whispers.

Christie Connects - Tall - Midnight Whispers

On V.C. Andrews Dawn's Midnight Whispers, Christie (Megan Best) connects with Gavin (Emrik Lopez) through a difficult time.

Funerals are Frequent - Midnight Whispers

Would it be a V.C. Andrews anyting if there aren't a dozen and a half funerals in every saga? we think not.

Means Business - Midnight Whispers

Fern gets on someone's bad side, and they mean business during the fourth installment of the V.C. Andrew Dawn series. Dean Redman guest stars

Fern Returns - Midnight Whispers

Fern (Clara Alexandrova) is back to raise some hell and stir up trouble as the resident handful on Midnight Whispers.

Aged Jimmy - Midnight Whispers

Khobe Clark stars as Jimmy Longchamp in the fourth installment of the V.C. Andrews Dawn series, Midnight Whispers.

Tango with the Devil - Midnight Whispers

Dawn has an uncomfortable spin on the dance floor with her obsessive brother, Philip, making moves on her.

Lifetime Quotes

Real Estate Agent: Between you and me, this is the first time I've shown this place in a month. So you can get this place for a steal.
Vincent: My favorite way of getting things.

It's one of the great mysteries of life. You never know quite what's going to happen next.
