Snapshots - Amish Stud

Eli takes a picture of Barbara while running game on her and charming her during the early stages of their relationship.

Seeking Help - Amish Stud

Barbara Weaver seeks help from everyone around for her marriage but is failed during Amish Stud.

Amish Charmer - Amis Stud

Eli Weaver is charismatic and a charmer who tends to win everyone over before they realize it's fake.

Counseling - Amish Stud

Barbara Weaver seeks some help and advice from a counselor that will later help with the investigation.

Amish Lothario - Amish Stud

Even in prison, Eli seems to charm and get his way during Amish Stud: the Eli Weaver Story on Lifetime.

The Verdict - Amish Stud

Barb (Kirsten Vangness) is shocked and devastted over the results of the verdict in her murder case.

Abigail - Amish Stud

Abigail (Clare Filipow) is determined to get justice for her sister even if it goes against the Amish beliefs.

Abigail Takes the Stand - Amish Stud

Abigail (Claire Filipow) takes the stand to testify about her sister after the shocking murder during Amish Stud.

Fool for Love - Amish Stud

Kirsten Vangness stars as Barb, a woman who gets caught up in a love affair with an Amish man who plots his wife's murder.

Eli Turns on Barb - Amish Stud

Eli takes a deal that has him turning on Barb and seems to be content with himself while in court during Amish Stud.

Barb in Blue - Amish Stud

The detectives interrogate Barb (Kirsten Vangess) about the morning of Barbara's murder while trying to get to the truth.

Testing the Waters - Amish Stud

Eli tests the waters with a woman he's interested in, Tamara, tos ee if she'd be interested in killing his wife.

Lifetime Quotes

Real Estate Agent: Between you and me, this is the first time I've shown this place in a month. So you can get this place for a steal.
Vincent: My favorite way of getting things.

It's one of the great mysteries of life. You never know quite what's going to happen next.
