Lacy Mosley as Jayla

You're going to love watching Florida Girls on Pop TV. It premieres Wednesday, July 10, 2019.

Patty Guggenheim as Erica

You're going to love watching Florida Girls on Pop TV. It premieres Wednesday, July 10, 2019.

Pop TV Quotes

Leslie: Let me just clear up some things. I am Dr. Leslie Berkowitz. Penelope's boss, and also I'm Lydia's exclusive, non-sexual, platonic companion.
Brian: What does that mean?
Leslie: I don't know.

Elena: How do you do it?
Penelope: Do what, honey?
Elena: Be alone, go through life without a partner who cares about you.
Penelope: Okay, well that's one way of putting it. Actually, I've been talking about this in therapy, and I love being alone, it's the best. And we're strong women who don't need a partner to define us.