DDA Mark Callan - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Mark must win this the Smash and Grab case despite Teddy's mistake.

Brandon Threatens Lola - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Brandon threatens Lola to let him out of jail.

Finding Evidence - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Teddy and Sara find more social media postings to nail Brandon Page.

Pushing Through - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Teddy and Sara push through the protesters to try and get to Mark.

Lola vs. Andre - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Lola and Andre discuss their past and how to move forward.

Ness is Dying - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Will Ness survive being stabbed? Did Amy get to her in time?

Comfort or More? - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Andre moves in on Lola when she breaks down after the lockdown.

Long-waited Reunion - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

After saving each other, Luke and Emily reunite with a kiss.

Luke Gets Shot - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

While protecting Emily and Maddy, Luke gets shot.

Lola's Breakdown - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Lola breaks down in front of Andre after the shooting and lockdown are over.

Judge Lasky - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Judge Lasky sees something juicy during the lockdown.

Amy's Lie - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Mark is furious with Amy for lying to him about the divorce papers.

All Rise Quotes

Sherri: Your honor?
Lola: This is a big moment for me. I just want to be present for it.

Mark: Your honor? Your Honor? Lola? I know you're up here. Why does it always have to be the top floor?
Lola: Because I don't want anyone to find me.
Mark: I told you to be sphinx-like.
Lola: I can't talk about my case.
Mark: It's okay. Lots of other people are.
Lola: Thanks a lot.
Mark: The sphinx has survived for 4500 years by silently staring down the enemy and then asking the right questions.
Lola: She wasn't dealing with LAPD and... I can't talk about it. It's just that... up on that bench, in this thing, everything is different. And that detective, I need to make a difference, but I can't tell if this is the battle, or this is the war.
Mark: What can I do?
Lola: Visit me at traffic court in Palmdale.
Mark: Never gonna happen.